103. Night King

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The Dothraki army was at the front and their swords flaming to life could be seen from the wall all of them burning to life a field fire it was beautiful and glorious empowered them. They were going to win this they had to win this. Everyone stood like statues waiting for the enemy to attack no one spoke all you could hear was the wind whipping through the air and the ragged breaths of terrified people.

'The night king is coming' Jon said to Daenerys.

'The army of the dead are already here' she told him marching away. It was time.

As the screeching in the moaning of the army of the dead got closer everyone tighten the grips on their weapons preparing themselves for what was to come. They couldn't see anything they just heard the noise getting louder and louder and louder until finally they saw them thousands and thousands of them all charging at them killing them tearing apart limb from limb taking them down one by one. It was a stampede of white walkers as they marched past as they Trampled over the unsullied army things look bleak that was until Daenerys came on her horse on her dragon blasting fire down raining fire down upon them Jon was on a dragon as well guiding it to the army of the dead burning them to pieces burning them to nothing but Ash.

'Tyrion!' Mabel declared pulling him inside. 'You are not dying out here.' Mabel told him.

'I should be helping.' Tyrion told her.

'You are, you are helping me with tilly from inside the crypts.' Mabel assured.

'I know I just-'

'Stop thinking and start walking.' Mabel demanded.


'Open the gates! Fall back!' It was a very bleak battle one they didn't know if they could survive the Dothraki and the unsullied stood their ground as the enemy got closer everyone else fell back to protect the castle.

The archers stood up top shooting flaming arrows down at the enemy, they were getting closer to Sandor but arya shot one in the head killing it. that was the second time arya could've let him die but this time she chose to save him.

'Light the trench! Light the trench!' Davos waved his torches back-and-forth alerting daenerys that now was the time to light the trench to protect the castle. But Davos continue to wave the torches but Daenerys on her dragon could not see the little flame from above.

'Like the trenches! Light the trenches!' he told the archers and they shot their flaming arrows at it but the fire fizzled out.


'At least we are already in a crypt' Varys said.

'If we were up there we might see some thing that everyone else is missing' tyrion suggested 'some thing that makes a difference. Remember the battle of the black water? I got us through the black gate!' tyrion reminded them Tilly curled int Mabel confused and scared with every bang aginst the walls. He needed a drink.

'You almost got your face sliced in half' varys told him

'If I was out there right now-'

'You would die' sansa told him 'there's nothing you can do'

'You might be surprised at the lengths I go to avoid joining the army of the dead. But I cannot think of something that greater fits my talents.' he told her drinking down some more wine

'That's why we're down here,' sansa reminded him 'none of us can do anything it's the truth.' sansa told him 'it's the most heroic thing we can do now... look at the truth in the face.' Tyrion let out a deep breath, she was right. 'You were the best of them you know, the Lannister's' she told him she told him after a moment of silence.

Tainted // Tyrion LannisterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ