59. Dangerous Proposition

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'Eunuch, the Spider, the Master of Whisperers.'

'Imp, Half-man.'

'There are faster ways to kill yourself.'

'Not for a coward.'

'You are many things, my friend, but not a coward.' Varys told him

'You never told me why you set me free.' Tyrion remarked he heard Tilly saying horsey, horsey and trying to neigh, it was the only thing that slowed his drinking.

'Your brother asked me to.' Varys answered

'Could have said no.' Tyrion told him

'Refuse the Kingslayer? A dangerous proposition.'

'Not as dangerous as releasing me. You risked your life, your position, everything. Why? You're not family. You owe me nothing.' Tyrion remarked

'I didn't do it for you. I did it for the Seven Kingdoms.'

'A drunken dwarf will never be the savior of the Seven Kingdoms.'

'I don't believe in saviors. I believe men of talent have a part to play in the war to come.'

'You're going to have to find another soldier. I'm done with Westeros and Westeros is done with me. I want to take Mabel and Tilly and just live, live and love her, every day until I die.' Tyrion told hin bluntly.

'You have many admirable qualities, self-pity is not one of them. Any fool with a bit of luck can find himself born into power. But earning it for yourself, that takes work.'

'I'm not well-suited for work.' Tyrion mused taking another long sip.

'I think you are. You have your father's instincts for politics. And you have compassion.' Vary told him



'I killed my former lover with my bare hands. I shit my own father with a crossbow.' Tyrion reminded him.

'I never said you were perfect.'

'What is it you want exactly?' Tyrion countered

'Peace. Prosperity. A land where the powerful do not prey on the powerless.'

'Where the castles are made of gingerbread and the moats are filled with blackberry wine. Where you could actually touch the stars... Tilly would like that.' Tyrion told him filling his glass again.

'The powerful have always preyed on the powerless. That's how they became powerful in the first place.' Varys told him


'And perhaps we've grown so used to horror, we assume there's no other way. If you sat on the Iron Throne, would you spread misery throughout the land?'

'I will never sit on the Iron Throne.' Tyrion reminded him

'No, you won't. But you could help another climb those steps and take that seat. The Seven Kingdoms need someone stronger than Tommen, but gentler than Stannis. A monarch who can intimidate the high lords and inspire the people. A ruler loved by millions with a powerful army and the right family name.'

'Good luck finding him.' Tyrion mused.

'Who said anything about "him"?' Tyrion stared back at him. 'You have a choice, my friend. You can stay here at Illyrio's palace and drink yourself to death, or you can ride with me to Meereen, meet Daenerys Targaryen, and decide if the world is worth fighting for.'

'Can I drink myself to death on the road to Meereen?'


'No sunflowers I don't like yellow.' Laures was staying as she wore a green dress with a yellow veil bronn was skipping rocks into the stream as they walked, 'roses are nice definitely roses and music I adore music but no flutes I hate flutes. we can have a harp if you like but no flutes and food!' she was preparing for the wedding Bronn was severely bored, 'food is the most important thing don't you think we need pigeon pie? that is what they eat in the capital don't they... Don't they?' she asked looking to bronn finally he acknowledged her.

'Don't who?'

'Don't people eat pigeon pie in the capital?' she said smiling brightly at him

'They certainly do my dear.' he said wrapping around hers 'they certainly do.' he was bored out of his mind 'it's a fine place.' he said a fine place looking up at the castle was he really so vain? Yes he was and he wanted a castle he was going to put up with this twat to get it 'I never thought I would end up settling down in a place like this.'

'We won't get to live at the castle when my father dies my sister gets the castle because she's older.' Laures told her

'oh...' bronns fantasy drifted away

'She hates me.' Laures went on 'she calls me mean names and even still she pulls my hair and mother is not looking.'

'Do you know what I think? I think you are a good person and your sister is a mean person.' Bronn told her.

'She is' Laures agreed

'I've been all over the world if there's one thing I have learned it is meanness comes around people like your sister they always get what's coming to them eventually.' Bronn told her 'one way or another...' 'Who is that?' Laures questioned

'Jamie fucking Lannister.' Bronn said walking off

'Ser bronn of the black water.' Jaime said as they approached.

'Ser Jamie.' Laures said excitedly she followed at bronns heels Jaime was waiting for them at the River

'I was very sorry to hear about your father.' Bronn said

'Thank you.'

'This is my betrothed Laures.' Bronn said as Laures beamed at Jaime.

'A pleasure.' Jaime said kissing her hand

'Run along love.' Bronn said he didn't like the way every woman seemed to look at Jaime Lannister 'Beautiful young bride you've chosen when are you planning on getting married?' Jaime questioned

'Just get on with it.' Bron urged

'On with what?'

'Whatever here for there's no way this visit could possibly mean anything good for me.'

'It's very good for you.' Jaime corrected handing him scroll Bronn opened it up skeptically he read it over

'Laures will be marrying so Willis Racken, we made a deal your sister and I.' Bronn reminder

'I would've advised against that.' Jaime told him.

'How is this good for me?'

'Because you were going to come with me and help me with something important and when we return I'm going to give you a much better girl in a much better Castle.'

'Return from where?' Bronn questioned

'As far south as South goes.' Jaime told him

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