75. i'm not drunk enough

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"In the last fortnight since our pact with the Masters, how many killings have been carried out by the Sons of the Harpy?" Varys asked at the following council meeting.

"None." Grey informed them.

"And how many Masters have been butchered by the free men?" Varys asked.

"Two, but that was the day of the pact. Since then, nothing." Grey answered.

"So it's safe to say that a fragile peace has taken hold." Varys said.

"For now." Grey Worm added.

"For now is the best we get in our profession." Varys replied.

"It's not enough." Tyrion said immediately.

"It's not enough for Meereen to have peace. They need to know Daenerys is responsible for it." Tyrion told them all Varys gave him a quizzical looks. "The Sons of the Harpy have a good story. Resist the foreign invaders. Our Queen has any even better story. Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains and all that." Tyrion rattled off. Messandei frowned, shaking her head

"The people know who brought them freedom." She said.

"Yes, but do they know who brought them security? Who brought about an end to the violence? We need someone the people trust, someone they know cannot be bought or influenced." Tyrion said thinking aloud.

"Sounds like quite the hero. Where would we find him?" Varys asked.

"Who said anything about him?" Tyrion said with a smirk


'You seem happy?'

'I am happy, you should both be happy as well not so long ago this city was like a man ready to devour itself.' Tyrion told Messandei.

'Not so long ago we were being sold and thought to lose our heads. My whole family is dead with the exception of my eldest brother but we are living in a pyramid with a rogue queen.' Mabel added. 'happy as anyone could be given the circumstances.'

'I will be happy when our Queen returns." Messandei said.

"Why don't you drink? Why don't either of you ever drink?" Tyrion asked looking between them.

"Unsullied never drink." Grey Worm said.

"Why not?" Tyrion asked.

"Rules." Grey Worm replied.

"Who made these rules? Your former Masters?" Tyrion asked pointedly, "Those miserable old shits didn't want you to be human. Have a drink with me and mabel." Tyrion said offering Grey Worm and Messandei a glass. Grey sniffed the contents curiously, his nose crinkled at the foreign sent.

"And you, what's your excuse?" Tyrion asked Messandei.

"I have tried wine before, it made me feel funny." Messandei said looking at the red liquor.

"That's how you know it's working." Tyrion said and picked up his glass, raising it in a toast. "Here's to our Queen," he declared, mabel drank her but they didn't raised their glasses, "Anyone not drinking is disrespecting our Queen!" He proclaimed. The two slowly raised their glasses. "To Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains. Long may she reign." Tyrion toasted

"Long may she reign." They echoed and drank from their glasses.

"Do you like it?" Tyrion asked.

"Tastes like it has turned." Grey told her.

"Yes, yes. Fermentation." Tyrion explained as Mabel chuckled. Picking up a fresh bottle of wine and pouring himself and Mabel another glass. He stood there for a moment silently, "One day, after our Queen has taken a Seven Kingdoms, I'd like to have my own vineyard, make my own wine. The Imp's Delight. Only my family and close friends can drink it." He said thoughtfully. "Tell me a joke, Messandei of Narth." Tyrion said breaking the silence again. Messandei looked taken aback by this request.

"I don't know any jokes." She told him. Tyrion looked to grey sat next to her.

"Grey Worm?" Nothing. "Right." Tyrion said and thought for a moment for a joke to tell. "Three Lords walk into a tavern. A Stark, a Martell, and a Lannister. They order ale, but when the barkeep brings them over, each of them finds a fly in his cup. The Lannister, outraged, pushes the cup aside and demands another. The Martell, plucks the fly out and swallows it whole. The Stark, reaches into his cup, pulls out the fly and shouts, "Spit it out, you wee shit, spit it out!"." Mabel chuckled while Messandei and Grey Worm looked at each other confused.

"It's funnier in Westeros." Mabel told them. 'It also doesn't offend Tyrell's so a win win.' Mabel added.

"The Starks and the Lannisters, I thought these were our enemies?" Grey Worm asked.

"Yes." Tyrion said with a slight shake of his head.

'Starks are all dead and your siblings are fucking each other putting bastards on the throne.' Mabel rambled the wine kicking in. 'everyone hates everyone in westeros. But a joke is not meant to be truth, just to make you laugh...' mabel looked to Tyrion as tilly flapped her arms around the room trying to fly. 'have you ever seen that one smile?' Mabel said looking at Grey. 'I don't think he knows how.' Tyrion chuckled sitting down next to her, she leaned into him.

"A joke is like a story, Torgo Nudho. Not a true story necessarily." Messandei told him

"A story that's supposed to make you laugh, ideally. Not at the moment perhaps." Tyrion said. He then noticed that Messandei was quietly drinking her glass, "Messandei, do you like the wine?" He asked.

"I do." She said with an enthusiastic nod.

"Tell a joke!" Tyrion almost pleaded. Messandei looked away in thought, which made Tyrion sit upright in anticipation. Mabel tipped into Tyrion, laying her head in his laps as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Elp? Elp?" Tilly questioned.

"No, mama likes it right here.' Mabel said softly and Tilly ran off jumping around the room.

"Two translators are in a sinking ship. The first says, "Do you know how to swim?" The second says, "No, but I can shout for help in nineteen languages"." She said awkwardly with a smile at her own joke, Tyrion laughed politely.

'What? Was that funny and I'm too drunk to realize it or am I not drunk enough for that to be funny?" Mabel questioned. Tyrion smiled down at her.

"That is the worst joke I've ever heard." Grey said.

"You don't even know what a joke is." Messandei shot back defensively.

"I am soldier all my life, you think I never hear joke?" He asked. Tyrion pointed accusingly at him.

"You lied to us." Tyrion said

"I make joke." Grey Worm told them with a slight smile. Messandei burst out laughter at his words and Tyrion chuckled himself at the sight of the usually composed woman.

'Seems we must all keep our day jobs because a fool is not in any of our futures.' Mabel remarked.

"More jokes!" Messandei said with a tipsy giggle.

'Oh I once-' Tyrion began to say, but suddenly the bells from the tower rung signaling an attack. Grey ran off shouting orders to the other Unsullied soldiers. Tyrion, and Messandei ran out onto the balcony and saw the fleet of ships approaching Meereen. The emblem of the Harpy on the sails. Mabel pulled herself up, drinking a glass of water and forcing her mind to sober as she picked up Tilly.

"The Masters have come for their property." Messandei remarked.


'I banished you twice. You came back twice. I can't bring you back and I can't send you away.' Danny told jorah

'You have to,' Jorah showed her his arm the growing grey scale rippled along his arm.

'Is there a cure?'

'No. '

'I will end things before it gets too far. I think Tyrion was right I have always loved you.' He started to walk away but danny yelled at him to stop

'You have sworn yourself to me til the day you die. I have not dismissed you. Your queen has not dismissed you. I command you to find the cure. I command you to heal yourself then return to me. When I take the seven kingdoms I need you by my side.' Danny told him. He nodded appreciatively but there was no cure.

Tainted // Tyrion LannisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora