13. The queen

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King Renly was killed using blood magic it was no longer safe for the Tyrells at the Baratheon camp

'We need to go home,' Margaery told her brother Loras.

'my Lord my lady,' Petyr said entering the tent, Mabel came in behind him Tilly in her arms.

'Get out.' Loras demanded from Renly's side.

'Stannis will be here in an hour,' Petyr told them 'when he arrives Renly Baratheon's Bannerman will flock to him, your former companions will fight for the privilege of selling you to their new king.'

'And you want that privilege for yourself?' Loras sneered sheathing his sword aiming it at Petyr.

'Loras.' Mabel scolded.

'You will note that I am standing here talking to you not Stannis,' Petyr remark

'This is ridiculous,' Margaery said pushing down her brothers blade down.

'Ride back to high garden sister I'm not running from Stannis.'

'Is that an option? Can I go home?" Mabel questioned.

"Home.' Tilly said hopefully.

'Brienne of Tarth murdered Renly,' Margaery reminded him

'I don't believe that,' loras told her. 'You don't believe that.' he added 'who gained the most from our King's death? Stannis a sword through his righteous head!' Loras demanded 'a true king a good king,' he said kneeling by Renly's side

'Tell me sir Loras what do you desire most in this world?' Petyr asked


'I have always found that to be the purest motivations,' Petyr told him 'but you won't have a chance to put your sword through Stannis not today... you'll be cut the pieces before he sets foot on solid ground if it is just as you want you have to be smart about it.'

'You can't get revenge from the grave,' Margaery added 'bring the horses. Please,' she said stroking her brothers hair. He rose from Renly's side picking up his sword and heading out a broken look on his face.

'He was very handsome.' Margaery remarked.

'He was your grace.'

'Your Grace,' she mimicked 'calling yourself king doesn't make you one if friendly wasn't a king I wasn't a queen.' she said disappointed

'Do you want to be queen?'

'No.' she answered 'I want to be the queen.' she corrected.


'Your siblings are something else.' Petyr remarked.

'Yes they are.' Mabel agreed. 'Do you really think they will-'

'I think they crown is in need of an army stronger than they have.' Petyr told her. 'the tyrells have a very strong army. You save the capitol and your family is loved by all. It wont matter that your sister married the traitor or that you brought a bastard to court.' Petyr told her simply.

'Thank you for your candor, Lord Baelish.' Mabel told him as he headed out. 'Alright Tilly you got Dolly? Once we leave we are not coming back.' Mabel informed her.

"Dolly.' She confirmed holding her up. Mabel packed quickly she didn't bring much like Margaery did but what she brought, brought value to her.

Star chart her and Willas had worked on. Toys and trinkets, little wooden figurines of lions and wolves that Mabel had made special since Tilly loved roaring like a lion and howling like a wolf. Clothes and her two items of jewelry. Both roses, a band of tiny roses on a silver band for her finger and a small rose pendant, silver, simple and elegant but Mabel liked it. One had been given to her for a name day by Willas and the other by Garlan, her favorite siblings.

'Ready to go Mabel?" Garlan questioned coming in.

'Ready!" Tilly agreed.

"We are ready.' Mabel agreed and he led them out. They were off to Kings landing to help the King on the iron throne win the war against stannis Baratheon. Heaven help them now.

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