17. Rose

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'You want me to leave it that it?!' Shae shouted 'fuck you.'

'Shae,' Tyrion reached out for her but she stomped off. Slamming right into mabel.

'Oh I'm sorry,' mabel said it was a habit. To apologize for other peoples mistakes and actions. Shae scoffed walking off. Mabel looked to see an apologetic tyrion staring up at her.

'I'm sorry about her.' Tyrion said walking up to mabel.

'Oh.... I shouldn't have been standing in the middle of the path,' mabel said softly.

'You are not at fault, my lady.' Tyrion told her. Mabel smiled softly before taking a few steps towards tilly pulling at the flowers in the garden. 'My lady?'

'Mabel.' She told him.

'Mabel... who's this little one?' Tyrion questioned.

'Tilly,' Mabel told him.

'Tilly.' Tyrion repeated

'Short for matilda.' Mabel told him. 'Say hello Tilly,' Mabel said and tilly looked to tyrion waving her hand at him. He waved back. 'I didn't realize you had a suitor at court.'

'What? No... No she was....' Tyrion was clearly getting flustered.

'My grandmother makes it her business to know everyone else's business.' Mabel remarked.

'NO that was...' My whore. Tyrion thought miserably. A whore who might hate me and might want me dead and might never fuck me again because I am a hideous monster. Tyrion glanced over at Mabel she had a smirk on her face.

'It's all right my Lord you don't have to tell me all your secrets. I am a stranger I'm certainly not going to tell you mine,' Mabel teased as she followed Tilly off

'Can I join you?' Tyrion questioned after her.

'I will warn you my lord even I have a hard time keeping up with Tilly.' Mabel informed him sweetly as they walked down the path. Tilly stopped pulling at the leaves and flowers running back to mabel and passing them off.

'She is adorable.' Tyrion told her.

'Thank you I'm quite proud of her,' Mabel agreed

'She seems the sweetest thing and adventurous to.' Tyrion remarked.

'That she is,' Mabel agreed

'How old is she?' Tyrion questioned

'She turns two this moon actually.' Mabel informed him.

'Lovely we shall throw party for her,' tyrion suggested.

'That's alright she doesn't like people fussing over her she likes her dolly and me and the flowers. She loves flowers besides there is so much to be done to prepare for margaery and king joffreys wedding.' Mabel reminded him.

'Yes but your daughter-'

'Tilly slow down.' Mabel requested and tilly smiled back mischievously at her. 'Little miss,' she warned and Tilly took off at a run Mabel chased after laughing. When Tyrion caught up with them they were by the roses.

'She takes after the family name quite well,' Tyrion said looking over at them.

'I love the flowers.' Mabel agreed. 'But of course I do, are you even a tyrell if you dont spent hours in the garden and your toots smell like roses.' Mabel questioned and Tilly giggled up at her.

'Does it?' Tyrion mused

'Her little turds certainly don't smell like roses, how unfortunate for me.' Mabel teased.

'I have never seen a mother of noble birth takes such good care of her child.' Tyrion informed her, 'most of the women I see pawn them off to handmaidens and then teachers and septas.' His own father didn't care about him or his siblings for years still doesn't care about Tyrion, Tyrion thought bitterly.

'I never understood that,' Mabel told him. 'Why people wanted children if they weren't going to love them.' Mabel said running a hand through her daughter hair. 'I mean why have a little bundle of joy if you're not going to spend all your time doting upon them, teaching them yourself, if you pawn your children off to someone else how will you know that they are getting the proper love and training that they need?" Mabel offered.

'I could not agree more.' Tyrion told her. This girl with something else she was sweet kind compassionate and she was so beautiful yet her family looked at her as though she were a pariah her indiscretions tainted their good family name yet she seemed like the best of them

'You are exquisite.' Tyrion told her and she stopped walking and turned to him.

"W-what?' Mabel stuttered

"Exquisite.' Tyrion repeated.

'oh...' Mabel said nervously, 'no I'm nothing special.' Mabel said turning back to Tilly she could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

'You are,' Tyrion told her. 'why don't you think yourself special?' Tyrion countered. Mabel just shook her head her lips clamped shut. 'I see an exquisitely beautiful woman with a beautiful heart as well.'

'I... I don't know what to say.' Mabel told him.

'Mama mama!" Tilly said running up to her holding out her finger, Mabel dropped to her knees.

'what did you find?' she was better at talking to Tilly, men... not so much. 'a lady bug.'

'Ady Bug.' Tilly repeated.

'What color is it?" Mabel questioned.

"I don ow.'

"yes you do know, come on show lord Tyrion how smart you are.' Mabel encouraged and Tyrion felt a lightness in his chest that he hadn't felt in ages. Being around someone so pure and good, someone that didn't want anything from him and didn't know what to do with a compliment. Surely she had many suitors surely she had men chasing after her constantly, she had a child yes but she was slim, long legs under thin High garden dresses, nice curves Tyrion had to focus on something else he could practically feel himself drooling.

'What color? Come on...' Mabel encouraged kissing Tilly's head.


'Good and...' Mabel prompted.

'Black!" Tilly exclaimed.

'that's right, my smart girl.' Mabel applauded and tilly grinned up at her.

'So smart.' Tyrion agreed.

'I ow more.' Tilly told him.

"You know more colors?' Tyrion questioned as Mabel stood up. Tilly grabbed his hand leading him away.

"Purp.' She said pointing at a flower.

"Purple. That's right love.' Mabel said and she couldn't believe that Tilly opened up so quickly to Tyrion. She had been with Petyr for a few weeks at the camps and she never liked him, not one bit yet Tyrion... Tyrion.

'What about this one?" Tyrion questioned, Tilly still held onto his hand. Tilly smiled back at Mabel and Mabel nodded.

'Blue!" she exclaimed happily.

"So smart.' Tyrion repeated happily.

'Dis red too.' Tilly said pointing at a rose.

'What kind of flower is that?" Mabel questioned.

'Ummm.' Tilly chewed on her bottom lip.

'Matilda... Ro-'

'ROSE!" she shouted a big smile on her face. 'It a rose!"

'Matilda Rose Tyrell.' Tyrion said testing it out on his tongue. 'You might just be the smartest little girl in the world.'

"Mama mama!" Tilly said happily.

'I heard him,' Mabel agreed. 'and he is right.' Mabel placed a million kisses on her face as she giggled reaching up for Mabel.

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