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Falling for you // Cersei Lannister // Jaime lannister out now!!

It was a rather silent feast they had won but they had also lost so many.

'Have you seen arya?' Gendry asked

'You can still smell the burning bodies and that is where your head is at?' sandor questioned him.

'I just want to thank her-'

'oh im sure you do.' Sandor grumbled

'it's not about that-' gendry said

'Of course it's about that the dead or dead you're not.' Sandor reminded him. He got up to find arya but was stopped by the queen.

'Gendry... thats right isnt it?' danny asked

'Yes your grace' gendry said turning to her.

'Your Robert Baratheons son...' he nodded 'you realize he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered right?'

'I did not know he was my father until after he was dead' gendry told her.

'Yes. He is dead. His brothers are too, so who is Lord of storms end now?' she questioned.

'I don't know your grace' gendry admitted he hadn't thought about it.

'Does anyone? I think you should be the lord of storms end.' Danny told him

'I can't be. Im a bastard' he told her

'No you are lord gendry baretheon the lawful son of Robert Baratheon because that is what I have made you,' she told him and he stood speechless

'To the Lord Gendry Baratheon of storms End' Davos said and everyone stood up raising a glass to him

'Fitting reward for a hero' Tyrion told her 'clever giving him that position.'

'See you're not the only one that's clever' Daenerys told him as Tyrion got up to find Mabel.


'We may have beat them but we now have my sister to deal with.' tyrion reminded davos before nitcing tilly and Mabel talking to Bran. 'This is clever even better than the saddle I designed for you,' tyrion said admiring brans wheelchair. Tilly sat in Bran's lap as she wheeled them back and forth. Mabel liked the starks, he liked how strong their familial bond was. How loved each other so much.

'It is the same model that a Targaryen used hundreds of years ago for his crippled son, I liked that story.'

'You know history better than anyone it will be useful as lord of Winterfell.' Tyrion told him.

'I am not lord of Winterfell.' Bran reminded him.

'You are the only true born son of Ned Stark left...' Tyrion reminded him 'You don't want it though?' tyrion questioned.

'I don't really want anymore' bran told him

'I envy you,' tyrion told him.

'you shouldn't envy me I mainly look to the past.' Bran told him running his hand through tilly's hair she smiled up at him.


'To the dragon queen!' tormond yelled.

'To arya stark the hero of winterfell!' dany countered rising a glass to her.

'Most people get bloody murdered. They stay that Way!' Tormond exclaimed

'I didn't really have much of a choice in the matter' jon reminded them.

'He comes back to life and he keeps fighting he gets on a fucking dragon and he keeps fighting who does that a madman or a king!' tormond yelled happily. But daenerys wasn't happy.


'Your drinking wine but you perfer ale!' Brienne questioned. Tyrions favorite drinking game.

'I love wine' tyrion admitted. 'Alright my turn. Your a virgin'

'Tyrion!' Mabel said slapping him.

'Thats not a question' jaime reminded.

'you never ask anyone that, ever. Its personal!' Mabel told him.

'Never in your life-' tyrion went on 'Have you ever slept with a man...' briennes face pinched. 'Or a woman'

'I have to piss' brienne said walking away.

'smooth tyrion. Way to ruin the fun.' Mabel said.

'Smooth!' Tilly repeated.

'I might be a bit drunk.' Tyrion admitted.

"Might?' Mabel questioned.

'you were, when I met you.' He whispered in her ear.

'yes.' She agreed. 'don't be a dick if you want to keep fucking me.' Mabel remarked.


'There is only One thing that could make me happy.' Sandor was telling sansa.

'What is that?'

'None of your fucking business...' sansa stared at him. 'before you couldn't look at me'

'That was a long time ago' sansa admitted.

'It certainly was... heard you were broken and heard you were broken in rough.' He told her.

'And he got what he deserved I gave it to him.' sansa told him


'Hounds' she told him and sandor grinned. His sigil was a hound.

'You've changed a little bird' Sandor told her 'none of it would've happened if you left Kings Landing with me no little finger no Ramsey none of it' sandor reminded her.

'Without Ramsey and little finger I would've stayed a little bird all my life' she told him getting up but tyrion grabbed her hand. 

"Are you alright? you still look a little off.' Tyrion remarked. 

"Just tired.'

'You barely touched your food, perhaps you would see a maester if you are not feeling-'

'there are people that actually hurt, Tyrion, im just tired. Tired of wars and being scared, i just want this to all be over.' Mabel remarked. 

'Me as well.' Tyrion agreed pressing a kiss to her hand. 

'I'm going to bed, can you keep an eye on Tilly she seems to have got a second wind of energy.' Mabel remarked. 

'Of course, rest.' Tyrion agreed. 

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