66. Why Daenerys?

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'Your grace, Lord Commander...'

'I want to see my wife.' Tommen demanded

'The guards have requested that she seek penance for her crimes the king must wait as well.' High sparrow informed him.

'Go and see your mother Tommen.' Jamie said they stood next to Marcella's body the stones on her eyes.

'You're a bold man.' Jamie said back to the sparrow.

'On the contrary I fear a great deal, the father the mother the warrior,' he smiled down at Marcella 'do you know why we use stones?' the sparrow questioned 'to remind us not to fear death we close our eyes in this world but open them in the next.'

'You must laugh at the next life.' Jaime remarked

'In truth I fear that too.'

'You humiliated my sister.'

'Your sister sat for God's mercy and atone for her sins.' Sparrow corrected.

'What about my sins!' Jaime questioned 'I broke a sacred oath and stabbed the kings Hand in the back I killed my own cousin, I stabbed the king in the back, when the gods decide their judgment I helped my brother escape justice... what atonement do I deserve?' Jamie said taking threatening steps forward

'If you spill blood in this holy Place...' the sparrow warned.

'Oh, the gods won't mind.' Jaime told him. 'they spill more blood than the rest of us combined.' Jaime remarked

'Go on then I deserve it.' the sparrow told him 'we all are but weak vain creatures we live only by the mothers mercy.' The sparrow told them, soon they were surrounded,

'They should be closer if they mean to save you.' Jaime threatened

'They don't. I know they won't reach me before you struck.' the sparrow said

'I fought against worse odds.' Jaime said confidently.

'No doubt many of us would fall but who are we? We have no names no families everyone of us is poor and powerless and yet together we can overthrow an empire.' the sparrow informed him he backed up slowly Jamie let him go


'Why Danereys? Why is she worth all this?" Tyrion asked they walked along the plains above the cliff overlooking the sea. When Jorah didn't answer Tyrion continued, "As I recall, the Mormont's fought against the Targaryen's during Robert's Rebellion."

"Do you believe in anything?" Jorah asked.

"I believe in a lot of things." Tyrion answered his very vague question with a vague answer.

"Something greater than ourselves I mean. The Gods, destiny? Do you believe there's a plan for this world?" Jorah asked.

"No." Tyrion admitted.

'I do.' Mabel said softly. 'I don't think they like to listen but someone is out there.' Tilly was once against asleep, her head tipped into Mabel's shoulder as they walked.

"Neither did I. I was a cynic. Just like you. Then I saw a girl step into a great fire with three stone eggs. When the fire burnt out I thought I'd find her blackened bones, instead I saw her. Daenerys, alive and unhurt holding her baby dragons. You ever heard baby dragons singing?" Jorah said. Tyrion shook his head.

"No." he answered.

'They sing?" Mabel questioned.

"It's hard to be a cynic after that." Jorah said as he kept walking.

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