67. Sold

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 'Salt mines?'

'Yeah, that or a galley slave.'

'He looks strong enough.'

'What about the dwarf?'


'Cut his throat.'

'Wait. Wait. Wait, wait, wait!' Tyrion said looking around the slave traders. 'Let's discuss this.'

'And then chop off his cock. We'll sell it for a fortune.'

'A dwarf's cock has magic powers.'

'Wait! Wait! Wait, wait, wait! You can't just hand a dry cock to a merchant and expect him to pay for it. He has to know it came from a dwarf. And how could he know unless he sees the dwarf?' Tyrion reminded them. Mabel looked between them nervously her courage diminished as they were surrounded and Tilly screamed and cried in Mabel's ear.

'It will be a dwarf-sized cock.'

'Guess again.' Tyrion told them and Mabel nodded.

'The dwarf lives until we find a cock merchant.' Tyrion let out a breath of relief but it was short lived.

'The girl we can sell, she will be a good whore, nice hips.' Mabel sucked in a breath.

'Bad hips.' she corrected. 'You dont want me.' she told them. "really, im lousy.' Mabel offered but they just chuckled. 

"What of the child?'

'Someone will want a pretty little thing to-'

'NEVER!" Mabel shouted clutching Tilly tight.

'Better to off load them quickly, don't want the fuss of a child with us.'

'No,' Tilly whimpered as though she understood what was going on, feeling and sensing the panic in Mabels eyes and postures.

'Queen Daenerys has outlawed slavery.' Jorah reminded them

'We're bound for Volantis, not Slaver's Bay. Besides, she reopened the fighting pits.'

'I've never heard of free men fighting in the pits.' Jorah remarked.

'The fighting pits in Meereen?' Tyrion asked thinking of a plan 'You're in luck, then. You're about to be rich. You are looking at one of the great warriors in the Seven Kingdoms.' The men laughed down at Tyrion. 'Him.' Tyrion clarified.


'He's got to be 60 years old.'

'He's a tough fucker.' Mabel assured. 

'Sure, he's a bit long in the tooth, a bit withered, been in the sun too long. We can all see that. But he is a veteran of 100 battles. They wrote songs about him.' Tyrion went on.

'That true?'

'He won the tournament at Lannisport. Unseating Ser Jaime Lannister himself.' Tyrion confirmed and Mabels eyes were wide as she waited for their certain departure and death.

'The Kingslayer.'

'Jousting.' Tyrion confirmed

'You're talking about jousting.'

'A fancy game for fancy lads.'

'Jaime lannister is said to be the very best, and this old man beat him.' Mabel agreed. 'sounds like a man you could win money on. Who would bet on the old, wrinkled man?" Mabel offered and Jorah glared down at her through a clenched jaw. 

'The men who fight in the pits of Meereen will swallow him whole.'

'I killed a Dothraki blood rider in single combat.' Jorah told them

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