The beginning.

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I'm going to start with a couple of parts to give you a bit of a backstory. I really hope you like it and please if you want to comment. Be nice. Actually putting this on here is so far from my comfort zone. It scares the crap out of me, so please if you want to give advice or tips, be my guest. Just be kind.

18 months.... It took me 18 months to get my life back. How did I let it get so far. I always thought I was strong and independent. It would never happen to me. But for some reason it did happen to me and it was thanks to some amazing people in my life that I am finally able to close that chapter of my life for good.

When I met him 18 months ago, I've been single for a while. Not that it bothered me, because I was enjoying my life. I had a nice job, amazing friends and my family. I never expected that to change so quickly. Boy, was I wrong and naive.
That one night me and some of my girlfriends were having some drinks in a local pub. We always went there, it was just a nice place. The people were super laid back and there was always some good live music.
Me and my friends were hanging out and listening to the band that was playing that night. They played some covers from the 80's, but also some Ed Sheeran and stuff like that. So all and all, drinks and good music. We were having a great evening.

I kinda noticed the guitar player of the band as he was very cute. He was blonde, even though I usually would go for the darker haired guys. For as far as I could tell he had really bright blue eyes. He was tall and well build, not like he would work out way too much and get all bulky, but more like he had a very physical job. So he just looked fit, but in a healthy way. I didn't really expect him to notice me, my friends are way more beautifull and they are a lot thinner than I am.

We are all in our early thirties and we have been friends for as long as I can remember. We all met in the first grade at school we just clicked and all of us became pretty much best friends from day one. I was always the chubbier one, it didn't bother me, because I work out and try to eat healthy. But for some reason I just had curves and my body liked to be prepared for cold winters I guess. The only thing that maybe made me stand out, was that I loved to color my hair in bold colors. At the moment it was a quite dark purple and I loved it. But because the pub was quite dark, it probably looked black now.
Anyway the night was just really fun, we laughed so much that our jaws hurt. We talked about Brianna's boyfriend who had just started his own business, I didn't really know what he did, but it had something to do with computers. Jenna was telling us about a date she had the other day and how the guy asked for pictures of her feet at the end of the date. I mean everybody likes what they like, but Jenna was not into that so that was a once, but never again date.

After a while the band finished playing and they put away their stuff. When they were done they came to the bar to get some drinks and the singer and Jenna started talking. Brianna and I looked at each other and shrugged. Jenna was stunning so she turned heads everywhere she went. But she was also feisty and loved her life as a single woman. So she just dated and some guys, if they were lucky, got to go home with her. She never really stayed with one guy for too long though as she got bored quite quickly.

The drummer and the guitar guy that I noticed came over to Brianna and me and we complimented them on their performance. We learned that guitar guys name was Shane and the drummer was Kevin. They were our age and met in high school where they started their band. It didn't make them famous, but they kinda liked it like this. Playing in local pubs and having a job during the day. I was right about the physical work Shane did. He worked in construction, so that explained his fit physique.
For some reason Shane kinda focused on me. He was friendly to Brianna, but he put most of his attention on me. Which I didn't really expect at all, but it was really nice. He seemed like a friendly guy, he was funny and also laughed at my jokes.

After a while the bartender told us it was time for a final drink and then they would close for the night. We didn't even realize it was already so late. Or should I say early in the morning.
Jenna decided to leave with the singer of the band, as we kinda already expected. Brianna and I were on our bikes, so we would go home together and she would stay at my place. Shane and Kevin walked us to our bikes and Shane asked me if he could have my phone number. I did like him, so he gave me his phone and I put my number in it. We then said goodbye and went home. I thought I would probably never hear from him, but that was fine, we had a great night and that would be it.
When we got to my place I felt my phone buzz, when I looked at it I saw Shane had messaged me.
Thanks for the laughs. I really enjoyed meeting you. Here you have my number, hopefully we can meet again soon.

I showed it to Brianna and she immediately said:"Ha! I knew he liked you babe, you should text him back. That is, if you want to of course."
Obviously I wanted to, so I texted him back.

Thanks, I've had fun and I would like to see you again.

Cool, do you want to maybe have dinner with me tomorrow?

Well he was definitely not wasting any time, but I was really flattered and I wanted to get to know him better so I decided to text him back that I would love to go have dinner with him the next day.
He asked me if he could pick me up at 7. I looked at Brianna and asked her what she would do. I mean I hardly knew him, did I really want to give my address right away. We decided he should pick me up at the busstop 2 blocks away.
I texted him the name of the busstop and told him I'd see him tomorrow. I wished him a goodnight and got ready to go to bed.

"So what do you think Skylar? He seemed nice enough and he was really cute wasn't he?" Brianna asked me when we got to bed. "Yeah he seemed nice, but I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to hopefully get to know more about him." I answered.
"I hope he is a good guy, you deserve somebody to make you happy and who shows you all the rooms in the house, if you know what I mean." Brianna laughed as she tried to wink, but she failed as she never was able to wink.
"Yeah yeah, let's go on this date first and then we'll see about him showing me all the rooms in the house. You dirty minded idiot." I laughed and after a goodnight we both fell asleep quite fast. Not very strange as it was allready 4 o'clock in the morning. So technically the date was today.

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