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What is the world of mental patients?

He is a world that ordinary people can't understand. From the perspective of doctors, it is also a world full of speculation, because most of the birth of a mental patient is caused by breaking the original ideological world and rebuilding another ideological world.

Just like some people may cause the collapse of the spiritual world after being stimulated, which is the mentally ill in everyone's eyes.

Compared with those people, Duan Chunting is different. He is too deep into the play to come out.

As an experiential actor, Duan Chunting actually seems to sound easier than ordinary people on this road, because he can better experience the happiness and sadness, pain and ecstasy of the hero in the script. These things construct the birth of this hero and also allow Duan Chunting to be at a certain time. Turn yourself into a man like the hero.

Many people think that the actors of the experience school are crazy, because most of the actors in the market are performanceists, which seems to be safer.

The hero in the movie Escape from the Insane Home is a madman. In order to make himself know more about how to be a madman, Duan Chunting even went to the real insane asylum experience and saw how crazy those mental patients were. Even Zhang Mou saw this person squat on the ground with mental patients. Count the appearance of mushrooms.

It was also because Duan Chunting's 'entered the play' that the filming was particularly smooth, and even when he came to the prize later, it was not smooth. It was not until Zhang Mou that he found that Duan Chunting's play did not come out at all.

Duan Chunting began to lock himself in the room frequently. Every time, Zhang Mou found someone to pry open it. In the end, he couldn't remove all the door locks in the studio, and even the door locks of Duan Chunting's house were removed.

The supposedly popular movie emperor began to become neurotic. He began to be silent and occasionally said two lines in the movie. Zhang Mou was so scared that Zhang Mou quickly asked a psychologist to guide him, but the consultation information he got was too deep in the play.

Generally speaking, this situation can only rely on the patient himself. During the past six months, they have even used hypnosis. Duan Chunting's parents have always come to take care of their son, but their condition is still deteriorating.

Obviously, Duan Chunting had incomparable freedom, but his heart seemed to be imprisoned in the insane asylum in the movie, and even began to talk to himself, have long-term insomnia, and even the habit of sleepwalking. In this way, Duan Chunting had only one result, that is, to completely enter the play and become a schizophrenic patient.

No one else, because in the film Escape from the Insane Home, the hero is actually not alone at all. He is a patient with schizophrenia, and the so-called insane asylum is also fake, but the hero's spiritual world is struggling.

All the personality, wives, friends, parents and sons are split by the hero. The hero needs to leave all these people behind to be reborn.

However, Duan Chunting, who was too deeply in the play, turned himself into a real patient. Perhaps in his spiritual world, there was another madhouse, imprisoned him in it, and then gradually broke away from the real world, making him completely crazy.

As soon as Zhang Mou's eyes were sore, his tears fell directly.

In those years, he personally excavated Duan Chunting's Puyu. Duan Chunting was a popular film and directly won the most famous Golden Magnolia Best Actor Award in China. Since then, he has swept all the best actor awards in China in eight years, as well as major awards in various countries besides the Oscar for Best Actor. It can be said that he is the real Grand Slam movie emperor, which is really the same.

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