Chapter 49: "The Birth"

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Hank POV

Hannah's scent intensifies with every minute, yet we haven't been discovered, and it's been at least two hours since Terry let me out of the basement.

Hannah is panting hard, and her contractions are more frequent; although the temperature here is so low, she's on fire. On the other hand, Celia seems unexpectedly calm; she's taking care of her very well, as my Luna keeps crying that she wants Mikkeli.

Terry sits beside the stairs with his dog's head on his lap. We both listen, trying to catch the slightest noise suggesting they are coming. We both are positive that they already know where we are, just trying to figure out how to get to us without fail. Jordan was calling again, but Terry didn't answer. They could barge, but I'm sure Jordan and Gabriel are afraid of accidentally hurting Hannah.

Terry and I don't speak; we look at each other from time to time. As much as I hate him, I can't just say he is the only bad guy in this. He did it to take care of his people, and I shouldn't complain about him wanting a second chance with Celia since I managed to get it. And what both of us did isn't that different.

"Hank," Hannah speaks weakly as I go closer to her." But, listen, if anything happens, if you have to pick, you choose the baby, not me, okay? If you must sacrifice someone, that will be me, not the baby."

"It's okay, Hannah, we will manage to do it," I say, but she smiles weakly, and I know she doesn't believe me. She squeezes my hand hard.

"You asked me at the beginning if I was sure I should've trusted you. Do you remember? I am sure I should trust you, and I do trust you to make the right decision."

I don't get to answer that cause we hear steps, very weak, but still steps on the roof. Terry gets his gun, and I move Hannah towards the stairs. She tries not to make any sounds, but still, she whimpers.

"Celia, take her downstairs," I say to my mate. "The corridor is blocked; take one of Terry's guns!"

She nods as I hold her strong; Terry's dog starts growling as Terry sends it with them downstairs. I shift and I'll be in so much more help in that form. Terry stands in the middle of the attic with his gun prepared. We are both listening; the steps are coming. Slowly and cautiously, but they are coming.

Greyson gets ready, and then we jump, smash through the roof, and bite into the man there. He screams as I pull him down, with my teeth sunk into his leg. Then the hell breaks. Because of the big hole I made in the roof, Terry can shoot the wolf who has been trying to enter. There are more of them on the roof, both wolves and hunters; I hear bullets as they shut blindly through the roof. Finally, the crack sound comes, and part of the roof falls inside with people on it. The dust is heavy; it's difficult to see for all of us. And yet Greyson and I jump on the closest enemy we've managed to distinguish. For a very long moment, snarls, shoots, scratches, and punches surround me as the chaos is quite big, but I can also hear Hannah's screaming from downstairs.

The blood drips from my muzzle, but also from the wounds they managed to give me; I feel a dull pain in one of my paws. Terry is fighting with two men, and as they all fall on the attic wall, it cracks, a wolf jumps on them, and the wall breaks, and all three of them fall down. I run as fast as I can and manage to catch Terry by his leg before he falls. Since I have no time, I pull him inside harshly, and he screams in pain. One of the hunters reaches the stairs, but Terry shoots him with the gun he still has.

I jump up so I'm on the roof; the first group that came is wounded or dead in the attic. I hope Terry will make sure they all will be dead soon. Another group is coming through the roof, More wolves, which means only one thing. Hannah's buyer has come, and somehow all three decided to attack us together. I have no idea how many of them are here now, but I'm sure I can't hold them myself, no matter how hard I try. And yet I'll try; I reach to Celia to tell her to run no matter what and without looking back.

Celia POV

The moment Hannah and I get into the corridor, she squats, gripping her hands on the handrail, and starts screaming:

"It's coming, fuck the baby is coming!"

Terry's dog barks in the direction of the barricade my brother has built, so I know there is someone behind there. We are in deep shit, and there is not much I can do, so I kneel near Hannah to help her keep her balance and tell her to push. She pushes hard, screams, takes a big breath, and starts pushing again.

"Mikkeli is close; I can feel him; we must withhold just a little longer!" she manages to say and pushes again.

I don't know how much time passes, the sound of the fight upstairs is getting louder, and the barging into the barricade gets stronger. Terry's dog is growling louder ready to fight whoever will enter the corridor, as Hannah keeps gripping the handrail and breathing hard.

I remove my jumper as Hannah pushes one last time, and I catch her daughter.

The baby screams with all the strength she has as I cut the umbilical cord and wrap her in my jumper; Hannah's breath is shallow; she is so pale, I'm sure she struggles to keep consciousness. I cradle the baby to my chest as Terry limps downstairs. He looks rough but quickly assesses the situation.

"We have only one option, the ventilation. Celia put the baby in there now and close it. Come here, Doggy!"

I don't argue and do as he orders. At that exact moment, he makes a puddle of the blanket Hannah was wrapped in and uses his shirt to tie it to the animal's back. The dog seems to understand what will be expected from him. 

 When the child, with the cries muffled by the small piece of material I put in her mouth, is hidden, Hannah and I move to hide the ventilation right behind my back, and that's when they enter through the barricade, and Terry whistles, and his dog sprints. Jordan looks around, totally confused, as the animal passes them and runs to nobody knows where.

"He has your big prize!" Terry screams. "And you know he doesn't listen to anybody but me!"

"Fuck!" Jordan screams and turns around to look at the wolves who are with him. "Find the dog but don't touch it; we need that baby alive! You, take the bitch to Blythe and the Alpha; we can't make him wait any longer!"

Two hunters grab Hannah and drag her out; a wolf bites into my brother's arm. Although he tried to resist, it was in vain, and Jordan yanks me up. Thankfully he is too agitated to look around and probably hasn't even noticed the ventilation. The snarls and fighting above are so loud that even if the baby is still crying, he doesn't hear it.

"When we find the dog, you will help me tame it, or I swear to God's name. I cut her into pieces and made you eat it!"

He digs his fingers into my arm, and I hear screams of pain but not from above but from the direction they have just taken Hannah. Snarl's sounds grow stronger as something comes to us. Jordans swears, pushes me toward the broken barricade, and runs into the attic. The new wolves come, and I recognize Marc's wolf among them.

"Hank needs help on the roof!" I scream, and they understand me since they immediately run upstairs.

My brother is free, and I crawl in his direction; he warps his arms around me, breathing hard.

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