Chapter 38: "Knowing the truth"

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Clearing on the Black Moon Territory 

Hank POV

Kathy is sitting on my lap by my desk, busy with drawing as I try to push my paperwork further. But because memories of Celia in my arms keep assaulting my brain, my work is not very productive.

"Can I ask something?" Kathy says, and I nod.

"Are you my daddy?"

I take a sharp breath. Indeed, I haven't seen it coming.

"Why do you ask?" I say, probably trying to shift her focus to something else.

"Mum tells me stories about grandparents. And you do lots of things with me, the same things granddad was doing with mommy. And I heard when some people were talking that I was your pup."

Of course, I shouldn't have expected that the all-pack's gossip would reach Kathy's ears sooner or later. Her chocolate eyes look at me; I know she won't let it go.

"Maybe we should talk with mommy first, don't you think?" I say, smiling at her.

I manage to mindlink Celia and ask her to come to my office with Danny. We have practiced daily, and our connection has become more stable with each try. Yet, somehow I can't stop feeling nervous, I knew we would have this conversation one day, but now I am scared about how my daughter can react to what I did and didn't do.

Celia comes with Danny inside, and I suggest we all sit on the couch. Kathy goes to her mother and sits on her lap.

"Ok, Kathy, you are right. I am your father," I say slowly, looking at her constantly. "When I met your mum for the first time, I hurt her very much. I hurt her because I didn't want her to be my mate."

"Everybody here says that mates are Goddess's gift; why you didn't want my mommy?"

"I told you that my brother and uncle hate werewolves," Celia says. "Hank didn't want me because my family hates werewolves. Hank hurt me because he was angry and sad, and he didn't know that you were born, and I didn't know where he was living."

Kathy thinks about that momentarily, Danny plays with his finger, and Celia looks at me. I guess it's my turn now to continue:

"When you were brought here, I knew instantly that you are my daughter Kathy. Greyson recognized you as our pup. I haven't told you because first, I wanted to convince your mommy that I regretted hurting her. Then, I wanted to convince her that she could trust me with you and you, Danny. And now all four of us are family."

I look at Celia, and she nods to our daughter, Danny, on the other hand, avoids looking at both of us.

"Danny, when Celia and I mated, we also decided to adopt you. So we probably should have asked first, but if you don't want to..."

"I want," he raises his head to look at us finally. "I want to stay with you. I know I'm weak, but I can..."

"You are not weak, Danny," Celia wraps her arm around him.

"Jordan used to say that I was weak. That I'm his weak little bitch."

"No, Danny, Jordan is weak, not you and he will never touch you again."

Kathy leaves her mother's lap and hugs Danny; next, she hugs me.

"Do you want another wolf's ride?" I ask, and of course, they all say "yes."

Kyle POV

I wake up with the touch of lips on the back of my neck.

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