Chapter 48: "The plan"

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Hank POV

"You don't understand," I say. "The problem isn't the labor but the smell. In ten minutes, the scent of her labor will be so intense that Gabriel and his wolves will surely catch it. After that, we won't be able to run unnoticed."

Terry clenches his fists and doesn't say anything for a moment, but next, he pulls out his phone and gives it to me.

"Call your Alpha, tell him we are in an abandoned Lexington Factory and Mine, and the best way to get here is from the north route, near the river."

I take the phone as Terry takes the collar away from Hannah; she pants hard. The conversation with Mikkeli is as quick as possible, and then I let him speak o a moment with Hannah as Terry steps with me into the corner of the room.

"Listen, I planned to sneak with you through the basement into the mountains, but this route is very long, and if you are right about her scent, we will get found out, and they will catch us in a forest. The problem is also that her buyers are coming, all of them, and I'm not sure how fast they will be here."


He gives me a taunting look:

"I sold her to everyone who was bidding, asking to pay 30% as the prepaid. Since this time we had no resources to prepare this transaction right, every single one of them will be able to locate from where I communicated with them the moment they would pay if they are not too stupid, so of course, they will all come here to get her. Your pack is far away from here, but I don't know how close those who paid me are. Jordan and Gabriel think I let only one win; they were in charge of him getting here with all the money. For sure, he will bring a backup. I thought we could sneak out, but now that's impossible."

"Mikkeli will be here in three hours," Hannah says, putting down the phone and whimpering because of the contraction. My nostrils move, Greyson is still weak because of silver in our system, yet he can smell her and gets agitated by it.

"There are at least twenty of them, and there will be more," I say. "Is somewhere here where we can barricade ourselves? Somewhere there won't be able to attack us all at once?"

Terry nods after some time, and I explain my idea to him. He takes Hannah in my arms; Celia reluctantly follows after him; she is not happy. Of course, I'm not satisfied, but I have no option but to trust him. 

 I shift, it's painful as hell, but Greyson is eager to do it, so we manage. My legs feel a little shaky, but I don't have time to dwell on it now. I take the sheet from Hannah's bed in my mouth. The intensive scent of her labor water attacks my nostrils and agitates Greyson; good for us. That will be the fastest run in my life. 

 I run in the opposite direction where they went. I know how to leave the fake traces to be found. Blythe's men very quickly catch the scent as they start howling, so I smash the nearest window and run into the woods surrounding the factory. The sheet in my mouth slowly gets ripped into pieces, but that's good news. The wind will further scatter those pieces, making the trace confusing. I've never run that fast in my life; I get into the big cliff, where I drip the rest of the sheet and sprint back into the direction of the factory; I know I have to make a way around. In the distance, I hear their howls as they try to follow the lead I left and made sure to make it as confusing as possible; Dalton taught me this trick some time ago.

As I get closer to the factory, I start being more cautious; Greyson also starts feeling tiredness; silver still in us doesn't help. Since the collar is gone, I have no problem with going straight in the direction Celia is. I can hear some commotion and lots of running as I get inside. I wonder if Jordan and Gabriel have already jumped at each other. I hope so; I hope their greed will put them against each other and give us the necessary time.

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