Chapter 43: "Pain"

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Kyle POV

Sharp pain in my chest intensifies; Skyler shouldn't have problems with managing the bullet if it weren't made with silver. 

I can't move, I want to with all my heart, but my body has shut down...

I can't lift even one finger...

I managed to shift, which helped; I'm losing less blood...

I hear a ringing sound in my head as I try so hard not to lose consciousness. I remember Celia screaming, but not only her. I think I also heard Hannah very close to me, but I'm not sure.

Right after I'd heard an explosion and it all started, I gave Carson to Danny and asked him to hide. I hope he has listened to me. I hope my son is safe. I hope that Rob is safe, Hannah is safe, and the rest of my family is safe; nothing else matters... 

I once felt like dying, but this is different. This time I feel no pain, just coldness, numbness, and hopelessness because I know I should move, and I can't do it...

Suddenly I feel somebody lifting me, and although it's difficult to stay conscious, I know it's David Nightingale. He takes me somewhere and puts me on; I think, a table?

"Danny, run around the house and open the windows in every room they threw the gas, make sure that no one is choking with their vomit," he says sharply.

Then he gently touches my chest, and I shout in pain.

"Kyle, I will be back in a moment, I promise," he says as I start panicking, I don't want to be left alone. But I have no strength to do anything.

I don't know how long he is gone, but it feels like an eternity for me, yet he comes back. He gently touches my face.

"Kyle, I have to dig the bullet out, I'm not a doctor, but I have some knowledge, and it will hurt. You must do everything not to move. You will die if I don't take it out."

He puts the belt in my mouth so I can bite at something and then lifts his knife toward my chest. And that's when my body has the strength to move again, yet I try so hard to make it impossible. I bite into the belt, trying to convince myself that this pain is not real, that I can withhold it no matter as he cuts with his knife deep into my chest.

"Stay with me, son, please stay with me," I hear him saying before the darkness consumes me.

I still feel pain when I open my eyes, trying to focus enough to understand where I am. Bed, white room, terrible pain in my chest, Rob sitting next to my bed, keeping my hand in his.

"Rob?" I ask weakly.

He jerks and looks at me; I see tears in his eyes as he kisses my hair and forehead.

"Oh Goddess, you are alright, oh Goddess," he keeps whispering.

"What happened?" I ask again.

"You were shot with a silver bullet, David Nightingale saved you by digging the bullet out, but you've lost lots of blood, and it took Skyler some time to cure you. So you were out for many hours."

"Carson and... the baby?" I feel tears in my eyes as I put my hand on my stomach.

"Carson is safe and sound; the baby is also safe. You are so strong, Kyle. You are okay."

"What happened? It was Blythe's men, but why?"

Rob takes a deep breath and doesn't stop squeezing my hand as he answers:

"Blythe was in it from the beginning, his men started the fire in the warriors' quarters, and when almost everybody went there, they attacked the packhouse releasing the poisoned gas. They shot you and Gideon, but both of you are alright. Gideon was shot in the leg, so it wasn't fatal, but he couldn't move. Danny let David Nightingale out of his room, and they managed to save everybody from poison; they recognized it because it was the hunters' poison. No one was killed, but..."

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