Chapter 5: "My mate"

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Mikkeli, Alpha of Black Moon

Kyle POV

When pack doctor Gideon put my son in my arms, I felt Skylar's joy and happiness but somehow had problems with finding my own. Everybody was congratulating me; Mikkeli and Hannah, Hayden and twins, Rose and others. I was trying to smile. I really tried, but it was difficult because I felt empty.

But I must admit that when my son started to wriggle, at least a felt a need to protect and a need to care. He was just an innocent baby who I had decided to bring to this world so my wolf could live, he might be the product of rape, but at least he's been Skylar's lifesaver. Maybe I will never love him, but at least I will try, and I make sure he is safe and happy.

When Hannah asked me about a name, I have no problems coming up with one at once. Carson, after my mother. She was once the only thing I had, and now Carson will be the only thing I have because my mate... sharp pain in my chest makes me almost howl. My mate will reject me the moment he will have another occasion.

I may not know why, but that wasn't just disappointment because of me having a baby or being an omega. That was pure hatred and disgust for whatever reason he hates me; that much is certain. Maybe not enough to let me die; after all, he took me to the infirmary and didn't proceed with his rejection, so maybe? No, I can't keep fooling myself and Skylar with false hope. It will only leave us more broken. He is from Full Moon Pack because I'd never seen him before, his name is Rob, and he is a warrior recommended by Hank. I should ask Hank about him. He owes me; after all, I helped him when he was poisoned with Red Venom and almost died.

Carson stops sucking my breast, so I have to stop my pointless wondering about "what if". There is no "what if"; the sooner I accept it, the better. I hold him closer to me to burp and later put him in his bed, and he has already slept. Thank Goddess, since he isn't a good sleeper.

Then I go to the guest rooms as Mikkeli mindlinked that he needed some help. And there, my legs become jelly. Rob is there; his divine smell makes my wolf howl in excitement as I take a deep breath and try to calm myself. He ignores me, and I pretend that it doesn't hurt, that it doesn't make me sad.

I force myself to stop looking at him and focus on our "guests". The girl, probably in her early twenties, I haven't seen her before, but something in her eyes and the way she hugs the little girl reminded me of my mother.

The children, a small girl, and a boy, also look scared, but thankfully Hannah is here.

"Welcome to my home Celia. I know how tough this is for you, but I assure you we won't hurt you. If you need any medical help," she says.

"We are fine," the girl Celia says, but her voice is shaking.

"That bruise on your face looks really nasty; let me at least take care of that."

There is total silence when we help them settle. Hannah is taking care of Celia as I take my time to study the little girl. She looks really adorable with her long dark curls and chocolate eyes, she sends a tiny smile in my direction, and I smile back at her.

"I know how you feel, I really do," Hannah stops the silence. "Half of the year ago, I was also dragged here with my siblings against my will."

"They are not my siblings," Celia says and takes a deep breath as if she was surprised she said anything.

"This is my mommy, and Danny is the son of mommy's friend," the little girl says.

"Really" Hannah smiles. "And what is your name, little one?"

"Kathy and I'm six," she smiles back.

"Well, Kathy, what would you like to eat?"

"Spaghetti with tomato and lots of cheese?"

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