Chapter 47: "Sold"

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Hank POV

I cough blood as Jordan punches me once again into my face. It hurts, but it still is much better than what Terry did with me on the first day. With another punch, Jordan smirks, and my knees buckle a little. Greyson is weak, and repeated shots of silver become more difficult for us to handle. At least since yesterday, I have felt no intense fear from Celia, so I hope she and Hannah are alright.

With another punch, my nose cracks.

"Fucking animal!" Jordan hisses and grabs me by my hair, and this time hits me in the stomach; I scream. The still unhealed wounds after Terry starts bleeding again.

"You are no longer so high and mighty, Beta. I would prefer to have Blackwood here, but with his bitch in our hands, I'm sure he already regrets that he was born. Terry is right now getting the whore ready for a sale!"

Speaking of the devil, Terry enters the basement with his big dog, and Jordan steps away from me. Is he scared of his nephew?

"I've seen what you did to my boys yesterday. Can't you accept that she is no longer your sister? She is now one of them, for fucking sake."

"As I said, Celia is my problem. And your boys disobeyed me; I said clearly that no one is allowed to touch her. Just like you, uncle, I also said no one touches him," Terry points in my direction, and Jordan wriggles uncomfortably.

"Whatever. How is Luna?" he tries to change the subject.

"We checked her vitals; we gave her the silver and rechecked her vitals. We need to repeat the process tomorrow, and we will have proof that we need to convince buyers that it isn't a joke. Next, we will start an auction. There are still things to be done, so go and take care of your job."

Jordan nods and pats Terry on the shoulder, and leaves the room. Terry looks at me, but I have no idea what he will do. I wonder if he uses his knives again, and my insides twist because of the mere thought of him torturing me again the same way as before, and yet it's not what he does. 

He releases me from the chain and helps me sit on the floor. My legs and hands are still cuffed. There is no way someone so cautious would take a risk and let his guard down. He brings me some water again but maintains a safe distance from me as he pats his dog's head.

"How can I remove your mark from Celia without hurting her?" he asks, and I cringe.

"I don't know for sure. She is human, so there is a chance that burning her mark out won't hurt her," I say.

"But we don't know that. I don't know if she will get hurt if I do that or kill you. But you understand that if I don't serve this connection, I can't let Celia go with me, so..."

Panic shoots through me, I try to stand, but his dog is on me in seconds, baring his teeth.

"Don't do it, please, don't do any harm to her; she is your sister, please," I beg him as he continues to look at me with a blank expression.

He whistles, and his dog comes back to him; I can sit again.

"Why do you care? Wasn't the core of all of this you?"

"No, the core of all this was hatred. The hunters hate werewolves, so they killed my parents; we werewolves hate hunters, so we destroyed your clan. I hated hunters, so I rejected and hurt Celia; you hate werewolves, so you abandoned her. Because if you had protected her at that time, you wouldn't have been the leader of your clan now, and you couldn't have your revenge." I say slowly, "I didn't love Celia when I met her. But I love her now, and you should return her to my pack, our daughter, Danny, and her uncle. You will kill me; you will have your revenge. What else do you want?"

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