Chapter 7: "Unexpected news"

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Hannah, Luna of Black Moon above

Kyle POV

I enter the kitchen, and I'm surprised to see Hayden sitting by the wooden table surrounded by papers. He doesn't look very well, he may have woken up from his coma, but I know he still carries the aftereffect of being poisoned.

According to Gideon, our pack doctor, it was a miracle that he managed to survive the injection of so much Red Venom and still didn't shift. Red Venom is a substance restricted in the werewolf's world, no matter of circumstance, those who use it are punished severely, the poison is undetectable and forces werewolves into feral shift and bloodlust, and the majority of those who were poisoned will not survive. But somehow, both Hank and Hayden managed to do it.

Hank was saved by me and other omegas, but Hayden didn't have that kind of help. He didn't go feral but was forced into a coma, and even though he woke up, he can't shift anymore. The loss of the wolf should've killed him, so I presume he still has it, just can't communicate with him.

"Hey Kyle, can I hold my favorite nephew?" he says when he spots me.

I smile and come closer to give him Carson, who, of course, starts to wiggle instantly, but fortunately, doesn't cry. I doubt I will be able to handle another couple of hours of his crying.

"Why are sitting in the kitchen?" I ask.

"Well, Mikkeli and Hannah are arguing in his office, we were supposed to go through the pack budget today, but I don't want to interrupt them. Since Mikkeli is more focused recently on training joint warriors teams from both packs, he pushed the pack's budget on Hannah and me, and Hannah doesn't feel well recently, so she pushed everything on me," he says.

"And you are not happy?" I ask.

"Balancing such a big amount of assets is not easy, especially since the Full Moon territory has been heavily underfunded. I wonder what the hell Ryan was doing with the money for the last ten years; the numbers are just ridiculous. "

"Probably that's also why he had much fewer warriors than I originally thought his pack had had," says Mikkeli entering the kitchen.

He makes himself a mug of black coffee and sits beside Hayden and me. He smiles at Carson and gently touches his cheek. Hayden makes a move to give him my son, and for the moment, I see the panic in Mikkeli's eyes, but still, he accepts the challenge and holds my baby boy, who keeps calm.

Maybe my son only cries when he is with me; maybe he just doesn't like me.

"You ok, Kyle?" Mikkeli asks and makes me stop spacing out.

"Yes, and you, everything is good between you and Hannah?" I ask.

Mikkeli avoids looking into my eyes for a moment, then takes a big breath and...

"Hannah is pregnant," he says and makes both me and Hayden astonished; the problem is his voice, and the way he's just given us this news, is far away from cheerful. He will be the father and doesn't seem happy with that fact.

"What's wrong?" Hayden asks.

"She's three months long, so it happened during my rut or the night she marked me, and the problem is it shouldn't have happened at all in the first place."

"What do you mean?" both Hayden and I ask at the same time.

"During my rut, I was full of silver and Hannah of wolfsbane so that I couldn't mark her, but it also should've made it impossible for her to conceive. When she marked me, the wolfsbane was still in her system and silver in mine, so it shouldn't have happened either. According to Gideon, it was impossible for her to have this pregnancy, and because of that, he isn't sure if the fetus will develop normally or if she will be able to avoid miscarriage," his voice is monotonic, but I know that he is crushed because of it.

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