Chapter 21: "The truth is unchangable"

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Kyle POV

Dalton keeps talking about the possible schedule for the next couple of days as he drives the car as we go back to the packhouse on the second territory. I was visiting my son for two days while Mikkeli and some other warriors were visiting their families, and now we are going back. Well, Dalton and I are coming back; Mikkeli decided to stay a day longer with Hannah.

I don't blame him; the silver worked, and Hannah and the baby are finally healthy and safe, according to the pack doctor. They finally can enjoy this pregnancy, even though a werewolf child not affected by silver has never happened before. I guess we all will have to learn to deal with it and with everything it will bring in the future as a family.

But now, coming back to work, I finally felt a bang of sadness; I miss Carson. 

When I came to the second territory two weeks ago, I wasn't bothered by the fact that I wouldn't see my son daily. I stopped breastfeeding, Carson was on artificial milk, so I was sure he wouldn't notice I was gone. But when I finally took him yesterday in my arms, I was happy, and I could feel that he seemed happy too. Now I can finally admit I have missed him and have been worried about him. It feels like I have managed to establish a deeper connection, a bond between him and me.

When I had to give him to Celia when I was leaving, I felt so sad and suddenly so worried. Suddenly I was sure that no one in the whole pack would be able to care for him as well as me.

In addition, our "searching" through the second territory is difficult and, for now, not very productive, plus I spend my afternoons alone. Mikkeli is almost assaulted every day with visits from pack members from the second territory. I understand their curiosity, though, Mikkeli is a new Alpha, and the merge happened barely four months ago, so people want to know their new leader, they want to know what they should expect.

I, too, had two visits from pack members, both not very comfortable, both depressing, and both from families of my rapists. 

I doubt our talk made any of us feel well, but at least I felt believed. I felt like I actually convinced them I hadn't lied. But did it make them feel any better? I wonder what is better in this kind of situation, believing that your child was a criminal and was punished rightfully or that he was innocent and was punished wrongfully?

Mikkeli told me that I should've told them the truth because the truth was unchangeable no matter what.

Still, that conversations were exhausting and made me later cry for hours in my room, but somehow I felt like I finally started to deal with what happened to me. In the beginning, Hannah suggested therapy, but I wasn't ready to confront it. So maybe finally, I started healing, and I should reconsider her suggestion.

As Dalton parks in front of the house, I see the one and only person who keeps haunting my thoughts. My mate, for two weeks, I've been avoiding him and ignoring him, slowly getting used to the dull pain in my chest and Skylar's whimpering. We should both stop desiring something we will never have, but my foolish heart and soul don't want to listen.

I look at him, taking my time to admire his beautiful body, his strong muscles, and his sharp eyes. Rob is very handsome; whoever will mate with him will be very happy. He is also strong, brave, hardworking, and kind, obviously not with me, but I've seen him with other pack members.

"Hello, Rob, has something happened?" Dalton asks as we both come close to him.

"Actually, yes, we may have found something but it's too late today to confirm, so I suggest we check it first thing in the morning. I hope your stay at home was nice."

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