Chapter 2: "The weak omega"

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Kyle POV

I was born an omega, which means I'm weak. Omegas are the lowest among all werewolves in the pack, they carry no significance, and they are replaceable and not needed. They are servants and breeding stock. At least, that is what some of the packs still believe; at least, that is how it was in my pack when I was born.

I was two years old when I first felt fear. It was when one of the pack warriors started screaming at my mother and other omegas during their cooking. I remember that I started crying, which made him look at me, and before my mom had a chance to do anything, he yanked me by my shirt and tossed me at the kitchen wall.

I was three years old when I noticed that our Alpha was the one coming to my mom's room from time to time. I've always had a very keen nose, and I started to recognize his scent, which wasn't that difficult because I could also find his scent in my own.

I was four years old when I saw one of our pack members whipped by Beta in front of the pack house till there was no more skin on his back. I remember that day my mother held me really close to herself as the drunk Alpha was standing there with his sons Hayden and Mikkeli by both sides; they looked like they were about to vomit any moment. By that time, I was already familiar with hunger and cold.

I was almost five years old when I witnessed my mum's gang rape by fellow pack members. I didn't know what rape was at that time. But I knew that they were hurting her because she was crying. I was trying to hit them, but one of them shoved me so strongly on the floor that I broke my wrist. I crawled under the table, hoping for that to be over as soon as possible. I remember Mikkeli entered the kitchen. And then sounds of broken bones, snarling, blood splashing, howls of pain, and begging for mercy, and then the days that followed. Mikkeli was in the infirmary, they were buried, or at least what was left of them, and my mum wasn't leaving her bed for days crying almost all the time. 

One night when she was asleep, I sneaked out and went to the infirmary to Mikkeli's room. I wanted to give him all my glass balls, which were my biggest treasure at that time. Mikkeli was sleeping, but he didn't seem well. He had many bruises and claw marks, and he looked really sick. I came closer to him and started gently patting his cheek as my mum always did for me. His eyes were suddenly opened, and he looked at me:

"What are you doing here, Kyle?" he asked as I jumped away, a little scared.

Even though 14 and in a wounded state, Mikkeli was still big and scary.

"I..I... brought... you treasure, because you helped my mum," I stuttered and raised my hand to give him my glass balls.

He smiled at me and patted my head. That's when he started to have that custom.

I was six years old when Hayden, Alpha's older son, rejected Maddie, who was also an omega like me. My mum and Dalton, our Head Tracker, helped her escape our pack sometime later. I remember when mum asked her if she wasn't afraid of going rogue.

"The only thing I'm afraid of is that I get used to living in this hell," she said before she left.

I was ten years old when my mother met her mate. I remember his smile was gentle, and he played catching balls with me. Those couple of weeks he lived with us were the best of my life. That was the only time I saw my mum happy, and that was the first time when I felt safe. I remember his burial when he was killed by hunters and my mother getting thinner and thinner every day till one day; she just didn't wake up. 

Losing a mate can kill a wolf, especially an omega wolf. I remember her burial too. Most of the pack members weren't at the pack grounds because we were in a state of war with hunters at that time, and why should they come to give honor to the weak omega maid? But Mikkeli was there when I said my final goodbye to her.

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