Chapter 20: "A moment of peace"

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Celia above

Trigger warning 

Celia POV

Kathy told me that Terry came to her when she was leaving the toilet, she picked up something he dropped on the floor, and when she gave it back to him, he called her pretty and left quickly. I still can't calm my racing heart at the thought that he was so close to my daughter. Anything could have happened. He could have done anything.

Danny is sleeping next to me, with Kathy in the middle between both of us. He is shaken beyond normality too, because of what happened today, but I watched him, I'm not sure, but I think it was the reaction to seeing Jordan, not Terry. But still, I don't know what made him so scared, I've always thought that his nightmares and "bathroom problems" were caused by the attack on our clan and his father's abuse, but now I'm not sure.

I hear sounds of moving in the next room, and I know that Hank has just come back. It's late, and he was working today till very late. I think about the face he made when he saw my scars, constant reminders of memories I would love to get rid of forever.

I get up slowly, not to wake up the kids, I need answers, and I need them right now.

"Hank, may we speak?" I say as I walk into the living room.

He looks at me, he is in the middle of changing, and I try to avoid looking at his necked torso; he's very well-built, I can't deny it. He nods, and I come closer and sit in front of him.

"How did you know it was Terry? Why did you ask about him?" I voice my biggest question.

"I didn't want to worry you, but he kind of sent here two messages. In both, he demanded you to be sent back to him."

I gulp and shift uncomfortably. What does he want, especially after such a long time?

"Celia, I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but can we talk about Terry now? If I'm to protect you from him, I should know everything."

His voice is so gentle; he really seems to care, I think as I look into the wall withholding my tears.

"Before my parents' death, Terry was the best brother I could have, but after they died, he was no longer present. He became a hunter, he started taking part in hunts, and we stopped talking. But still, he was my brother, and I didn't expect it ever to change. I thought that I was safe with him," my voice and my hands are trembling, I know I cry.

Hank makes a move as if he wants to hug me, but I don't allow it.

"After what you did to me... Terry was furious, but my grandfather wasn't bothered by it too much because the burned cash, now I know, was more important. As a clan, we lost our position... so after my second suicide attempt, not with the herbs, I tried something different after it failed... when the girl who took care of me figured out I was pregnant and spread the rumor, my grandfather was livid. He...he slapped me and dragged me to the training room; there were Terry and his colleagues, some of them were my cousins." I gulp again. I don't know if I have the strength to talk about it; I feel tears going down my cheeks.

Hank doesn't move and just looks at me.

"He told them that I... I dishonored family, that...that I tainted myself and that I... I should pay for it. It was like lynching. They were.... they were kicking me, punching me, hitting me. I lost consciousness quickly, but... I was woken up when one of them engraved what you saw on my back, and then they started again... I didn't know I had so much blood in me. I didn't know I could've screamed so loud. I was in and out of consciousness for I don't know how long. And the pain...was unimaginable. I think they broke almost every bone in my body."

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