"Who are you?" Alec asked not feeling like entertaining the stranger. "You're on our territory, you should know better than to just waltz in like that."

Without a single hint of worry, the guy approached him without taking his eyes off of Alec. "Come on, why so angry?"

Alec quickly slammed the guy into the tree when he got close enough with practiced ease and pinned him there making sure to be very forceful. He was not in the mood for jokes, especially not with the current situation. "You better leave." He growled but the guy merely smiled.

"And miss out on a big strong alpha slamming me into things? No, I am staying." Despite his words, the guy – whoever he was – was taller than Alec himself and was also another alpha. He was provoking him.

It was honestly the nonchalance and ease in the guy's manner that made Alec falter, not his words. This single moment where he loosened up his hold on the guy for just a fleeting moment was the moment he found the situations reversed and it was him who was pinned by the neck to the tree.

It was done so swiftly, so expertly, that Alec almost had whiplash. Never in any fight or training session was he bested like this, and suddenly he wondered exactly what situation he had brought on himself.

"It is certainly not your intelligence that is making me swoon here, babes." Alec glared up at the guy and attempted to knee him in the stomach, but somehow the guy read that and avoided the attack almost instantaneously. This guy was seriously dangerous, he realized belatedly. "Listen, I don't want things to escalate. Let's talk."

Alec coughed when the guy let his neck go and held his throat with a clenched jaw. "Then talk."

"I am here to help you." The guy told him seriously. Any playfulness from before was suddenly gone if someone else had possessed him. "You've been looking for someone who killed five of your men, and I know who it is."

What the guy told him made his anger dissipate as he stared in shock and spoke to the guy with urgency. "Then say it. Who was it?"

"Yeah, definitely not intelligent. Who do you think?" Just as soon as it appeared, the serious manner he adopted disappeared. "It is me, dummy. Who else? Would a guy seriously just risk going into a territory that's on high alert just to be helpful?"

"You asshole!" Alec lunged at him, but the guy was too fast and too relaxed for him to even manage to touch him.

"I killed five of your men and your first thought is to attack me? I like you."

As hard it was to admit, he was right. This wasn't a fight Alec could win. In fact, this wasn't a fight any normal person could win. There was a huge gap in skill here, and Alec was by no means an inexperienced fighter, but this asshole was no joke. He killed five men.


This was a feat that could only be achieved by skill, a lot of strength, and a whole lot of crazy that Alec didn't have. He was smart enough to know when to step down from a fight he couldn't win.

"Alright, okay. You made your point. What do you want?"

"I get to make demands?" The guy grinned circling him like a cat playing with its prey, and Alec could only glare at him without saying a word back. He didn't know the guy's temperament, and he didn't want to test it. When no other response came from Alec, the guy's body slacked and he sighed. "You're a bore."

With clenched teeth and balled fist, Alec spoke. "Just spit it out. What do you want?"

"An omega, that's all."

Alec's eyes widened. The newcomer. "You can't be serious."

"Oh, but I am. I want him." The guy told him seriously, and Alec didn't doubt he meant it. Not one bit. "I just love this timing. I come back here and get news that some omega joined your stupid pack. It is perfect."

This guy, this lunatic, killed five people just for that. This subject could have been approached in so many different peaceful ways, but this asshole chose to do that instead. Alec never met the omega who recently joined them, and he doesn't even know what he looked like. All he knows is that he's now a member of his pack and there was no way in hell Alec would hand him over to someone like this.

Deciding to be bold, Alec looked the guy in the eye as he spoke.

"Good luck with that. He's under our protection."

The guy's response was an amused smirk. "You say it like it matters."

Somehow Alec knew that it didn't. That whatever it was they were going to do, this asshole would find a way around it. There was just so much confidence and not a single hint hesitation in his manner. Even though his claims are bold, Alec knew he wasn't bluffing.

But he'll be damned if he didn't try his best to stop him.

Psychopathic (BoyxBoy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon