Undying Determination

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Hey. LOL

I know, it's been awhile. I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE LOL

Band camp, school, work, I just needed a sec, but I'm back and I am gonna try and be consistent (uploading Wednesdays)

Enjoy a long chapter :)) 

It's good to be back <3

See you soon!

[Takemichi's POV]

"LET'S GO!" You screamed as you, Toman, and all of Tenjiku took off, charging at one another. All around you, your men flew into an all out brawl. You ran forward, as you smashed your head into someone else's. You stumbled back as you shouted, "FUCK! How the fuck did Ray do that to Cameron so easily?!" Chifuyu chuckles, as he asks, "Are you alright Idiot-michi?" You roll your eyes, but before you can respond, Peh runs ahead screaming, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!" He piles through Tenjiku's men taking them on one by one. You stopped, completely amazed as you shouted, "Holy shit! Are you sure you got this Peh?!" He shoots you a cocky smile as he punches another member of Tenjiku, saying, "Don't worry! I'll handle these pests!" You smile, but it quickly fades, as you hear someone running up behind you.

You quickly turn, as you see a Tenjiku member charging at you. "ORA!!" He screamed, as you prepared to block, except he never made contact. You looked back up, as you see Hakkai punching him down to the floor. He turned and looked at you, as he scolded you, saying, "Don't get distracted!" Angry ran between you two, taking down more of Tenjiku's men, as he shouted, "C'mon! Let's clear a pathway for Takemichi!" You watched with pride, as your friends took the lead, screaming, "YEAHH!" You ran after them, a smile plastered on your face, as Chifuyu came up beside you, saying, "Follow me! I'll open the path to Kisaki for you!" He jumped up, kicking one of Tenjiku's members in the face, as he screamed, "JUST PROMISE TO BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THAT SMUG BITCH!"

You smiled, running through the path they were clearing for you. Your eyes landed on Kisaki, as you thought to yourself, "When I first started down this path, I didn't even know what you looked like.. But now? I have gone this far to prevent all of the awful futures that have come to pass. I don't know if you're the other time leaper, but I will end you. I will change the future. I will save my friends."  You looked over only to see a big smile plastered against Izana's face. "Well, well! You sure are impressive Toman!" You stop as you watch Izana stomp on Madarame's face. He leans down as he teasingly says, "Shionnn.. Tsk. Tsk. Even after 2 years, you still haven't changed." You watched as Izana pushed his foot farther into Madarame's face, as he said, "That time when the Black Dragons lost to Mikey.. It wasn't because of how strong Mikey was.. It was because your fucking weak. Even now, you're so fucking useless."

You felt a shiver go down your back, as you heard Peh running through the crowd. He was heading straight for Izana, as he screamed, "I AM A PROUD MEMBER OF THE 3RD DIVISION, HAYASHI RYOUHEI!" Izana smiled wickedly, as he pushed one of his men out of the way. His eyes landed on Peh, as he titled his head and said, "Well, y'know, revenge isn't completely my style.. But do me a favor will you? Fight me." Peh's eyes go wide, as he smiles, charging at Izana as he screams, "BRING IT ON!" You watched in horror as Izana didn't even flinch. He waited for Peh to get close enough before raising his leg up. He swung his leg into Peh's face, sending him flying away from where he was standing. Your blood ran cold as you watched Peh's body tumble. When it finally stopped, Peh didn't move. He was knocked completely unconscious.

It was almost as if the atmosphere around you changed. Everyone stopped fighting, in complete awe over what they had just witnessed, as Izana smiled and said, "Finally! He stopped moving." Izana turned to face his men as he held up his arm and said, "Now then! 'Era of Brutality.'" He turned back around, his cold eyes meeting yours as he happily said, "It's your time to shine! End these motherfuckers." As soon as these words left his mouth, you took off. You had to get to Kisaki, no matter what, you had to reach him. You don't get far, as Mocchi steps in front of you, a wide grin plastered on his face. "Well, well. 3rd Division Vice Captain, your opponent is none other than me, Mocchi of the Four Heavenly Kings." You take a step back, as you smile wickedly, "Aren't you that prick (Y/n) took down with one punch?" 

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