New Friendships

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"You stupid bitch." 

"Stop it." (Y/n) mutters



"STOP IT" (Y/n) states slightly louder


"NO!" (Y/n) screams

(Y/n) jolts up, gasping for air. She looks around and realizes she was in her bedroom. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." she mutters to herself as she begins to shake in her bed, tears streaming down her face. Her thoughts are interrupted as her bedroom door suddenly flys open, startling her. "(Y/n?!)" Emma ask fear present in her eyes. "Are you okay?! I heard a scream from down the hall!" The young girl rushes to her side realizing she was crying. (Y/n) then remembers the events that took place before she passed out and is surprised to see Emma still here with her. "I'm so sorry, it was a nightmare I had." (Y/n) explains wiping away her tears not wanting to go into detail. Emma notices this and decides not to push her.

"I'm just glad you're awake," Emma says, her face lighting up again. "You really had me worried." (Y/n) chuckles at this, realizing her hands and face are now patched up. "Thank you for staying and for patching me up." (Y/n) shyly points at her hands "I appreciate it" she says smiling. "Oh!" Emma shouts, as she stands up, and bows at (Y/n). "I'm the one who should be thanking you! You really saved me back there" (Y/n) sits there completely perplexed at what she's doing. "Um, Emma?" (Y/n) asks calm. Emma returns to her original height "Yes?" she says smiling. "What the hell are you doing?" (Y/n) asks as she laughs at the young girl who now wears the confused face. "I'm thanking you, what does it look like?" Emma states a pout very clearly present on her face. 

It all clicks for (Y/n) which makes her laugh even more. "What's so funny?!" Emma asks a peak of annoyance in her voice. "Sorry, sorry." (Y/n) says catching her breath. "I'm not from here Emma. I actually just moved her from America." (Y/n) watches as the gears in Emma's head finally made her understand why it was so amusing to (Y/n). "Ah that makes a lot of sense" Emma says as she begins to laugh. "I will apologize tho, I wasn't making fun of you I just have never seen that so it's still rather new to me" (Y/n) tells the girl with a warm smile. "Its okay," Emma replies with a small smirk, "You can make it up to me by being my friend." (Y/n) heart fills with joy as she hadn't scared away the young girl. (Y/n) lifts up her pinky to the girl making her tilt her head in confusion. "Call it an American thing, but its my way of securing our friendship and accepting your deal" (Y/n) says softly as she smiles at the girl. Emma smiles back and wraps her pinky around (Y/n)'s. 

"Friends." They both say, huge smiles plastered on their faces.


"UGH" (Y/n) groans as she gets out of bed after Emma tells her she prepared some food for her. The smell of ramen hits (Y/n)'s nose. "Oh my gosh that smells delicious!" (Y/n) exclaims. It dawns on her how hungry she was, and more importantly, how late it was. "Hey Emma?" (Y/n) asks "How long was out?" Emma looks at her and says "3 hours." This shook (Y/n) as she grabs her phone and realizes it is now 7:30. "Oh shit" (Y/n) mutters. "I'm just glad you're okay." Emma smiles walking to the kitchen. "I was worried about you, but from what I could tell you just seemed exhausted." (Y/n) smiles already enjoying the relationship they had "Are you staying to eat with me?" (Y/n) asks. "DUH!" Emma exclaims.

After another hour and tasty food, (Y/n) is surprised at how easy it is to speak to Emma. They had talked not only about (Y/n)'s brother but also Emma's half brothers, one of them unfortunately deceased. (Y/n) was surprised to find out that they attended the same high school but (Y/n) was older than Emma. The girls were having a lot of fun until Emma checked the time and said "Oh I have to go. I'm meeting up with my brother at Musashi Shrine." She says as she stands taking her plates to the kitchen. "Let me take you," (Y/n) states also standing "There's no way I'm letting you walk this late." While Emma was hesitant, because (Y/n) still didn't know who her brother was, she agreed not wanting to leave her friend just yet. "Let me change and grab the spare helmet." (Y/n) says walking to her room. "Helmet?" Emma repeats, confused.

"Ready?" (Y/n) asks the young girl who is gripping on to her for dear life even though they haven't moved. "No! Why can't we walk?" Emma pleads. (Y/n) raises an eyebrow at her as she chuckles "You want me to walk back alone?" This makes Emma more aware that she can't say no, a pout visible on her face. "Promise you won't go fast?" Emma says raising a pinky to (Y/n), who is surprised to see how quickly she caught on to (Y/n)'s little quirks. (Y/n) wraps her pinky around Emma's and says, "Promise." She wasn't lying, Emma seemed to have forgotten (Y/n) was new in the area. She might be crazy but not that crazy "Alright hang on!" (Y/n) smiles excited to get back on the road. Unaware of the people she'd meet very soon. 

"Almost there!" (Y/n) shouts to Emma who had actually become very calm as they rode down the streets. As (Y/n) and Emma drew closer (Y/n) found herself completely shocked at the amount of bikes and boys in the area. "Ugh" (Y/n) thinks "I'm glad I'm just dropping her off I do not need another boy in my life."  (Y/n) pulls up as close as she can, pulling down her stand, and turning off her bike. She gets off first, so she can help Emma get down. "That was actually really fun!" Emma shouts as she hugs (Y/n). "I told you so" (Y/n) laughs sticking her tongue out at her in a mocking way. 

"Oi! Emma!" They both turn to the boy who's now calling her over. At the same time (Y/n) phone rings. She looks down and gulps hard as she reads the name. 'Cameron' she thinks to herself. Her thoughts are interrupted as Emma tells (Y/n) she'll be right back. Before (Y/n) can say anything she takes off into the sea of boys. (Y/n) takes a deep breath as she prepares herself of the conversation she was about to have with her brother. More specifically the lying she'd have to do. "I hate lying to him." she thinks as she takes a deep breathe and puts the receiver to her ear.

"Long time no talk baby sis" 


I hope you liked this one :)

With love <3 

See you soon!

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