A foggy past

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This chapter will contain topics that are not suited for all readers.


Please enjoy :)

This is a lot longer, but a lot happens in her past


It all started 2 years ago. The abuse anyways. My parents alway fought, but it was never physical. They were never lovey dovey, but then again they were my parents. Of course I loved them. That is until the day my father hurt my mother and me. He was a drunk, but regardless my mother always stayed. She thought it was the best for us, but really I always thought it was because she loved him and she hoped he'd change. My father never did lay a hand on Cameron, I don't know if it was favoritism or simply because he was scared Cam would actually fight back if he did. He was 21 at the time, and was the main breadwinner. When he first hit my mother, it felt like he was just testing the waters. Trying to see how far he could go before she would break. My mother did her best to shelter me during those times. She knew that his anger knew no bounds. That night he punched me for trying to protect her was living proof of that.

She would warn me to stay away and never interfere. I later realized it was because if I stayed out of sight, he wouldn't try and hurt me. It, unfortunately, left all my burden on my mother. The first couple of times, he only ever really slapped her around, but as the beatings got worse, so did the bruising. He was smart though, and not in a good way. As he started to get more violent, the bruises became more apparent. He started to bruise my mother in places she could easily cover. One day he lost control and punched her in the face, bruising her right eye. My father made her stay home until it had healed. When I think about why he did it, I honestly think he did it to see how much of a hold he had on my mother, because who would ever hurt someone they once loved?

Over time, I grew more and more frustrated being unable to protect her. Cameron wasn't always home, so I had to shoulder the burden of hearing our mother cry, plead, and beg him not to hurt not only her, but me too. Anytime I would try and fight him, I would end up unconscious and badly beaten. I was really good at hiding the pain I carried, but somehow, a year or so after it had started, it had gotten around that my father was abusive, which only made things worse for me. I had people look at me with pity, wondering if it was true, if he was hurting me as well. Along with the pity, came the bullying, and for me that's where it started. The drive to learn how to fight.

"Stupid bitch!" The bully yelled at me as he punched me for the 8th time in the stomach. His two buddies were holding me back, and at that point I had given up on trying to fight. "You're fucking worthless (Y/n). How can you protect your mom when you can't protect yourself?"  Another punch, causing you to cry out in pain. The bully started to laugh, "I bet your mom makes the same sounds when your dad beats the shit out of her." That statement caused me to cry. "SHUT UP!" I screamed as I tried to break free from their grasp. "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYT-" He cuts me off by punching me in my face, causing blood to draw from my nose. "Be quiet. God no wonder your father beats you." He grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. "For such a stupid bitch, you would think you could at least learn when to shut your mouth." Those words caused me to see red. All the frustration and pain I had held back, came crashing down, and it didn't matter what happened after that.

"Get off of me." I say as I use all my strength and pull both boys forward. "What the fu-" They start to say, but before they can finish, I pull them back, smashing them against the wall, causing them to let me go. I fell to the floor, exhausted. I didn't have a lot of strength, but in that moment I realized that I was actually able to protect myself. My victory is short lived, as the main bully kicks me in the stomach. "How dare you try and resist." He bends down and looks at me, "You're nothing more than trash." He grabs my shoulder and slams me against the wall. "Worthless." I coughed out blood, as I say, "Shut up." He slams me back once more. "You stupid fucking bitch." My breathing was uneven, "Shut up.." He pulls me back up and slams me down again. I spit up more blood, as my vision blurries a bit. "God (Y/n).... Why are you so worthless."  He laughs at the state I'm in, "Pathetic little (Y/n)." He takes a step back as he says, "I bet you're just like your dad."

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