Who are you?

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"Hey there big brother" 

(Y/n) smiles. She knows she's gonna have to lie, but hearing her brothers voice sure did make her happy.

"Ah! Don't you "big brother" me" 

"Yikes I knew he was mad" (Y/n) thinks to herself chuckling.

"Don't you laugh! What the hell!? You said you would call me as soon as you landed and got to the house!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I got to the house and felt like exploring. Once I got back I passed out. I was tired I'm sorry!"

"That technically wasn't a lie" She thinks.

"(Y/n)..." Cameron says softly.

"Shit he was worried." She thinks.


(Y/n) looks back at her phone and sees all the missed calls and messages and gasps. "20 missed calls and 30 messages. Yup. I'm awful."

"Okay, okay you're right, and I'm really sorry."

"You're forgiven. I just missed my baby sis! And her voice!

This makes (Y/n) giggle. 

"I missed you too." She hesitates, but she asks, "How's mom?"

Cameron sighs before he answers, "Better, but she's still suffering, especially when it comes to taking the medicine. Sometimes she has to be restrained, but it is helping her."

This makes (Y/n) choke up, but she holds back her tears "Jesus." she gasps. "I'm sorry Cameron. I ran awa-"

"No. No. No. (Y/n) don't do that" Cameron says sternly. "We both knew why you had to go, it's the reason why I supported you, but remember our deal!"

There it is. I have to lie. He can't know I fought a bunch of delinquents. No matter how right it was.

"I know I know. Upside, I made a friend."

"YOU DID?!" Cameron basically yells making (Y/n) pull the earpiece away from her ear 

"AYO RELAX ITS NOT THAT SURPRISING" (Y/n) yells back. She notices Emma and two boys walking over to her.

"Cameron" she says softly, "I have to go"

"What? Why?" he questions.

"I'm hanging out with my friend! Her name is Emma. I'll mention the idea of a face time so you can meet her."

"Deal" he says. (Y/n) can sense the smile he wears. "I love you baby sis, please take care of yourself." 

"I will big bro, I love you! Bye!" 

(Y/n) hangs up as Emma and the two boys walk up to her. 

"(Y/n)" Emma says softly, "This is Mikey and Draken." (Y/n) looks at both of the boys and asks "Brother and best friend?" pointing first at Mikey and then Draken. "Yup" Emma says smiling, "Say hello!" Emma scowls at them. "Hey" They both say at the same time. "How did you know I was her brother?" Mikey presses. "Easy," (Y/n) says as she points a finger at Mikey, "She mentioned how short you are." (Y/n) then proceeds to point at Draken. "He is a palm tree." This makes Draken laugh as Mikey gets angry. "What the heck does that mean?!" (Y/n) smiles as she get closer to Mikey closing the space between them, "That you," She scans him up and down and says "are a shorty." Emma and Draken found this amusing but Mikey didn't like the way she made him feel. Especially because it gave him butterflies. Mikey grabs (Y/n) by the collar and asks her "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?!" He pulls his face closer to hers. 

(Y/n) unfortunately likes to joke. A LOT.  Instead of admitting that she was joking she takes a step closer to him and says "Awe he's got some fight in him." She smirks at him as he actually blushes straight into her face. Mikey pushes her back causing her to fall on her ass. "WHAT THE FUCK MIKEY?!" (Y/n) yells. This causes her to get the attention of all the Toman members present. She picks herself up and gets close to him. "If you didn't notice I was joking." (Y/n) says sternly. Mikey notices the fire in her eyes and the truth she displays behind them. Before he has a chance to apologize, (Y/n) shouts "Look out!" and pushes Mikey down as she takes a punch to her face propelling her backwards. She slams against the wall, hard. "(Y/N)!" Emma screams running to her new friends side. 

Draken and Mikey turn their attention to who threw the punch. Standing behind them was no other than Keisuke Baji. "Baji!" Draken yells at him as he grabs him, "What the hell?!" Baji grins as he says, "What? Since when do we let some bitch talk to our commander like that." Before either him or Mikey can answer, (Y/n) lets out a loud laugh. After reassuring Emma that she's okay she stood up and addressed the comment that Baji had made. "Who the fuck are you calling a bitch?!" (Y/n) states, anger in her eyes. "She's got some fire in her," Baji's eyes glimmer, now interested in the girl in front of him. "Lets see what you got."

While (Y/n) wants to teach his ass a lesson, she thinks back to her previous fight and the conversation she just had with her brother. 

"Remember our deal." His words echoed in her head. "I hate this." 

"Hard pass." She says as she helps Emma up. "What?" Baji says. "I'm not fighting you." She turns her attention to Mikey, who was still on the floor, and Draken, who stared at her in awe. "I apologize if I disrupted your meeting, but I will be taking my leave." (Y/n) turned to Emma and said "Lets hang out soon. Come by the house tomorrow as I don't have your number, but I wanna get out of here." All Emma can do is nod in agreement. She knows (Y/n) is strong but is surprised she didn't take the fight. (Y/n) begins to walk to her bike, which is unfortunately next to Baji. The whole time (Y/n) said her goodbyes, Baji kept his eyes on her, she intrigued him, but he couldn't tell why. "She's just a weakling, who won't fight me. Why does she interest me so much?"

Its as though (Y/n) read his mind because as she turns on her bike, she says "By the way asshole," She stares daggers into his eyes, (Y/n) who is holding her bike with her hands, calmly states, "Consider us even." "Wh-" Baji starts but before he can finish (Y/n) throws her leg up kicking in him in the jaw, propelling him back into a boy with lavender hair. Her leg comes down over her bike as she revs it up. "Mine and Mikey's conversation was a misunderstanding, so maybe think twice before punching the person he is speaking to."

Everyone in Toman was shocked, everyone but Emma who had learned first hand that (Y/n) always stood up for what she believed. (Y/n) sighs and says "I'm sorry for making you worry about your friend. So color us even, for that punch you gave me." She doesn't wait for a reply as she revs her engines and drives off back to her empty house.

"So she is interesting." Baji thinks as he smirks, blood spilling from his nose. He could tell it was bruised, not broken

"She is definitely my type of girl " Both him and the lavender haired boy thought.


Lol he's not one for first impressions huh.

I hope you liked this chapter! 

Specifically a little (Y/n)xMikey moment LOL

 See you in the next!

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