What comes next?

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AN : I apologize, I know I'm late ._.

Granted, work kept me busy ;-;

Anyways, enjoy!!! :)


"HOW DO YOU WIN EVERYTIME?!" You yelled at Cameron as you tossed the controller on the couch. It was now a week later, a night before Cameron was set to leave. It was mid afternoon and Cameron had challenged you to a Mario Kart battle, which you, of course, lost. "Lilah please tell me you've beaten him before." You pleaded not wanting to take any more losing. She chuckled as she said, "Can't say I have. He spends much more time on that thing than he does with me." She chuckled out as Cameron defended himself, "That's not true! I spend an equal amount of time with you and my game.. I checked.." He mumbled that last part, but you heard it clear as day. "THERE'S ACTUALLY NO WAY YOU CHECKED." You couldn't contain the urge to laugh as Lilah yelled at your brother. "I-I c-can't breathe, oh my god.." You laughed out, as Cameron tensed, "Wait not literally right? Like you're okay right?" You calmed down a bit and smiled softly, "If you mean in regards to my stab wound, yes I'm fine. You just make me laugh sometimes." Relief floods his face, as you say,

"Shall I make us ramen?" Lilah squeals as she says, "Yes! I've been craving some since we came here!" You smile as you head to the kitchen. "Mitsuya, actually taught me how to make it." You couldn't see it but Lilah was smiling widely. "Ummm (Y/n)?" Cameron said softly, as you turned and faced him. "Yeah Cam?" He looked a bit embarrassed as he said, "We're gonna have some guests over." You tilt your head in confusion, until you realize what he means. "You got their numbers the night I was released didn't you?" Cameron rubs his neck as he says, "Maybe? Would you be mad if I did?" You chuckled, as you say, "Nah. It's just Mikey and Draken. I'll prepare some food." He remains silent, which confuses you. "You are talking about Mikey and Draken... Right?" He once again scratches his head, as he says, "Well.. yes.. but no... That's not who I was talking about.." Your eyes widen as you say, "Don't tell me.." Before you can say anything more, he says "Mitsuya will be here in about 30 mins... And Baji will be here about 2 hours later..." You grow as white as a ghost as Lilah says, "Yep. She's gonna kill you." She laughs as you chase Cameron around the house.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT?!" Cameron was avoiding all the pillows you threw at him as he joked, "Jesus when did your aim get so good." You hear Lilah laugh behind you, as you practically spat out, "Why the hell did you invite them on the same night?!" He holds his hands up as he says, "I wanted to talk to them, okay? You know, do the big brother thing and interrogate them? Find out if they're good enough for you?" Your eyes soften. He was doing this for you, because you didn't have a dad to do it for you. "Cameron.." He lowers his hands, expecting you to calm down, but you instead throw a pillow at his face, "MAYBE WARN ME NEXT TIME?! I literally have zero time to get ready!" This makes Cameron chuckle as he says, "Puh-leaseee. You could look like a homeless rat and they'd be head over heels for you." You roll your eyes at his remark, as you tell Lilah, "Prep the noodles please, I'm gonna quickly change."

Cameron smirks at the nervousness you feel, as you head into the room to make yourself presentable. "By the way.. They both know I invited the other." You stop dead in your tracks, as you say, "Lilah, can you handle that?" She throws a pillow, smacking him dead in the face, as she says, "Got it." She smiled at you devilishly as you walked into your room. You settled for black joggers, as well as a dark blue strapless crop top. You quickly throw your hair up in a high ponytail, exposing Mitsuya's necklace. You grab your black high tops and quickly throw them on. You walk out as you ask, "How do I look?" Cameron was clearly against the crop top, as Lilah squealed, "You look incredible They are gonna be drooling!" Cameron frowns as he says, "I don't like it." You roll your eyes as you walk back into your room and come back with an oversized black and white flannel long sleeve. "Better?" He smiled as he said, "Yes. It is- Wait. Is that mine?" You grow stiff as you say, "Nope couldn't be." And walked over to Lilah, who winked as she softly whispered, "I think he made it worse for them, you look even better now." You chuckled as you and her went back to the kitchen, making ramen for the boys who'd be joining you soon.

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