Where are you?

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                            [Emma's POV]

"Hey! It's (Y/n)! Sorry I couldn't answer you-"

"30. 30 missed calls." Emma paces back and forth in (Y/n)'s house. "It's been 3 hours. Where the hell are you (Y/n)?" You started to become fearful as panic rose in your body. "Fuck. I have to call him. It's almost midnight." You scroll through your contacts as you find his name and hit call. It rings twice before he picks up. "Oi! Emma, where the hell are you?" Mikey yells, as you take a deep breath. "I'm at (Y/n)'s house. I need you to listen to me carefully. (Y/n) is missing." Mikey falls completely silent, "Emma that's not funny. Don't joke-" "YOU REALLY THINK I'M JOKING?!" The fear you felt had reached a breaking point, you were terrified something awful had happened to your friend. "Mikey, I'm sorry for yelling, but I've been here, waiting for her, for 3 hours. She never made it back here from Mitsuya's. Last time I talked to her she was at the convenience store. I've called her 30 times, but she's not responding." Emma begins to cry as she says, "Mikey... I-I'm scared. Wh-where is she." Mikey takes a deep breath. "I'm on my way. Call Takemichi and get him there. I'll grab Draken. Not a word of this to MItsuya or Baji. Do I make myself clear?"

You take a deep breath, "Yes, I won't tell them. Just get here. Please." You hang up, as you break down crying. "Please. (Y/n).. please be safe." After a couple of minutes of trying to calm down, you call Takemichi. "E-Emma? Is everything alright?" You sniffle as you say, "Hey. I'm so sorry this is so late. I need you to come to (Y/n)'s house. I'll send you the address." "Wait, wait, Emma? What's going on? Is everything okay?" In a shaky voice, you answer, "(Y/n) is missing Takemichi. Mikey asked you to come, I'll explain more when you get here. Don't tell Mitsuya or Baji Takemichi. Mikey's orders." He is silent for a moment, before he says, "Send me the address I'm on my way." You hang up and send him the address as you sit on the couch and begin to cry. "Do you remember what you told me (Y/n)?" You say out loud as tears stream down your face. "You said you'd always come back to me." You start to lose your composure, "YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER LEAVE ME HERE ALONE." You begin to shout. "So please.. please (Y/n)... come back to me..." You hug your legs as you cry into your lap. "Please don't leave me alone.."


"Fuck my head." You try to open your eyes, but the little light you see is making your headache even worse. "What the fuck happened? Where am I?" You hear cars around you, as you feel the ground beneath you moving. "Am I in a car? Who's driving?" You try to fight the urge to fall back into a deep sleep, but the pounding in your head was too immense. You let out a loud groan, as you hear a voice begin to speak. "I must apologize for the damage my guys did. Don't worry, I killed them for hurting my girl." You try and open your eyes to see who's talking, but to no avail. You slowly slip into darkness as you hear, "You're finally all mine, doll."


                          [Mikey's POV]

After 10 minutes, I get to (Y/n)'s house, as I knock on the door Emma opens it. She looks like a mess. Her eyes are red and she looks like she's hanging on by a thread. "Mikey.." She says, as I pull her into a hug. "We will find her, okay? Don't worry." You pull her back and see she's calmed down a bit. "Now tell me everything." Draken and Takemichi arrive, just as Emma finishes telling me what she knows. "What's going on?" Draken asks. "Where do you think (Y/n) is?" Takemichi asks. You sigh as you say, "I have a hunch, but let's not jump to conclusions." You take a moment to think before you say, "There are a couple of convenience stores in between here and Mitsuya's house. I don't want to get him or Baji involved just yet, so let's try to piece things together without them." You turn to Draken and Takemichi as you say, "We're splitting up. There are 3 main stores to check so we'll start there."

Uncertain (Baji x Reader x Mitsuya)Where stories live. Discover now