Unexpected Surprise

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You wake up the next day and get dressed for school. You and Emma walk together as you spend most of the uneventful day together. As the final bell rings, you find Emma and walk over to your house. "Are you nervous?" Emma asks you as you get close to your house. "Of course I am, I don't really know what to expect." Emma smiles as you open the door and you both walk in. "You'll be great (Y/n)." She pauses before she hesitantly asks, "Still nothing from Baji and Mitsuya?" You enter your room as you set down your bag. "Nope, not at all." You pull off your shirt as Emma sees the roses. "They're idiots you know? You deserve the world." You chuckle as you grab a first aid kit and walk back to her, "You're absolutely right, so let's forget them. Help me rewrap my arm? Please?" She smiles as she says, "Of course."

"I see it's still not fully healed." You flinch as Emma applies gel to it. "Yeah it still hurts like hell sometimes. I'm trying my best not to pick at it but it gets so itchy sometimes." She begins to wrap your arm carefully, as Emma says, "You really scared me. You and Draken." You hear her voice start to shake as she says, "I can't imagine what I would do if I lost you (Y/n).." She finished wrapping your arm as you turn and look at her. Tears had started to form in both of your eyes, as you say. "Emma, I will always do my best to come back to you." You hug her as you finish, "I won't ever leave you here alone." Emma smiles, as she says, "Gosh we're both crybabies." You chuckle as you let her go, "Well we both love our best friends very much, can you blame us?" Emma smiles as she says, "Let's get you ready."

Emma helps you with your hair, as you wore it in space buns, with the ends curled. "This honestly suits you so well!" Emma shouts as she grabs your phone and snaps some photos of you in the mirror. "Alright get dressed!" She leaves you in the bathroom, as you put on the uniform Mikey had given you yesterday. When you finally have it on, you look at yourself in the mirror. "The 6th division captain of Toman... First female member... Who really would've thought?" Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. "(Y/n)? Sorry, but we have to go soon or we'll be late." You open the door as Emma gasps, "Oh my god! You look so good!" You smile at her as you say, "Thank you Emma. Are you ready?" She nods as you head outside and hop on your bike. You drive over to the Sano house as you prepare for the night you're gonna have.


You hold on tight to Mikey as he drives over to Musashi Shrine. He takes you through the back where no one can see you. You're pacing back and forth as you say, "I'm gonna puke." Mikey chuckles as Draken walks up to the both of you. "Calm down (Y/n). You'll be great!" Mikey says with a smile. You take a deep breath as you say, "Do you think your boys will protest against there being a girl in Toman?" Mikey shrugs, "Honestly I'm expecting half and half." Draken smiles as he places his hand on your head. "I think they'll love you." "Yeah cause she's a pretty girl." Mikey mutters under his breath. You shoot him a glare as you say, "I heard that." He holds his hands up as he says, "Sorry wifey, can't help myself." You let out a loud sigh as you remember the conversation you and Mikey shared on the way to the meeting.

           [ A couple of minutes prior ]

"So (Y/n), will I be announcing you as my wifey?" Mikey kept his eyes on the road as you say, "I don't know... I can't tell what the right choice is." Mikey chuckles as he says, "How about this. Instead of announcing you as my wifey, I'll do something simple to show that we're possibly in a relationship." You tilt your head as you ask, "What do you mean?" He smirks as he says, "When I announce you, I'll hold my hand out to you. You'll take my hand and stand next to me as we address all of Toman together. Afterwards I'll lightly kiss your check." You chuckle as you say. "I'm all for the hand holding, but not for the kiss. I'll only agree to it, if it's the hand thing."

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