Where was she hiding?

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Please enjoy :)


                     [Takemichi's POV]

"What do you mean he's dead?!" Draken shouts in disbelief. "That's exactly what I mean." Peh-yan said through Draken's phone. "The guy in the photo you sent me did belong to Moebius, but he and another one of his buddies were found dumped in a river. Both were shot in the head. It's safe to assume they were the ones who kidnapped (Y/n)." Mikey balled his hands into fists as he said, "So we have nothing." There was silence for a moment as you look around at all the captains. Kisaki looked a bit pale, and it seems you weren't the only one who noticed. Baji had his eyes fixated on Kisaki. "Naoto had said (Y/n)'s abduction was set up by Kisaki. Hence why I need to find some way to get him kicked out, but (Y/n) is my priority right now." You shake your head, feeling more determined than ever."I'll make you pay for the damage you do to her." Peh-yan sighs before he says, "Not exactly.. I'm trying to track down any abandoned buildings Valhalla owns. I'm doing the best I can, Mikey just give me some time." Draken places a hand on your shoulder as he says, "We understand. Keep us updated."

Draken hangs up the phone as he turns and faces Mikey. "Well what should we do now?" Mikey begins to walk away from the group, surprising everyone. "M-Mikey?" You begin to say but, you're cut off, as he smashes a fist into a post. "I hate feeling this useless. She is out there somewhere, injured and we can't do a damn thing right now." He takes a deep breath as he turns back to face us, a smile on his face. "But I do know one thing. (Y/n) would want us," He points at you, then at Draken, as he continues, "To rest. We've been searching for her all night. If we plan to get her back, we have to be in full health." He begins to walk towards you as he says, "For those of you that can, go and help Peh-yan." He stops as he says, "If you find a lead, don't, and I mean don't follow it alone. We don't know what we're dealing with. We don't want them to hurt (Y/n). Call one of us if anything comes up. Am I understood?" All captains nod their heads, as Draken says, "This captains meeting is over. You have your assignments. We'll meet again once we have something."

You feel the tension that was brewing between the captains. You were all aware that there wasn't much you could do, but it didn't change how uneasy it made all of you. While they refused to admit it (Y/n) had left an impression on all of them, hearing of her disappearance made everyone feel uneasy. You walk over to Baji and Mitsuya, as you say to Baji, "Hey don't blame Mitsuya." You turn and face Mitsuya and say, "And don't allow your frustration to get to you. We all want to find her. So work together and help Peh-yan. You know (Y/n) wouldn't want you two to be fighting right now." This causes both of the boys to look down, trying to hide the worry they held inside. "He's right. I'm sorry Mitsuya." Baji says as he turns and walks away. "We'll find her." He stops and faces you both, "So let's be ready to get her back." This helps to ease Mitsuya a bit as he says, "Yeah, let's be ready." You place a hand on his shoulder, as you take off after Mikey.

You, Mikey, and Draken head back to (Y/n)'s house. Emma had just woken up. "Any news?" She asks as you walk into the house. Mikey shakes his head as he says, "Our lead turned up dead." Emma looks shocked as she says, "D-dead?" This snaps Mikey back to reality as he says, "Oh god I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blurt that out. I'm just exhausted." He hugs Emma as he says, "Don't fret. I don't think they'd hurt (Y/n)." He pulls away as he says, "We're going to rest now, okay?" You had made the couch your temporary bed, but were surprised to see Mikey walking into (Y/n)'s room. "Mikey! The hell are you doing?!" Draken shouts as Mikey says "I'm sleeping in my wifey's bed. I miss her. Can you blame me?" You and Draken make eye contact as Draken gets up and says, "MAKE ROOM I'M COMING." You hear Mikey whine, as he says "She's my wifey not yours!" As they fight you hear Emma chuckle in the kitchen. You look over and see that she's crying. "I wish she could see them.. See how worried they are about her." This makes you tear up as you lay down and reassure Emma. "We will bring her back Emma." As you fall asleep you say, "I promise."

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