For Worse

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[Y/n's POV]

[The same day]

As I got ready, Baji sat on my bed, admiring me from a distance. "I can feel you staring, you know." He smiled, as he got up and walked over to me. "Well, I am admiring a work of art." You smiled as he kissed your temple. In these past 3 weeks Baji had worked hard to show you how much he cared about you. He knew he had a lot to make up for and he was doing his best. Both him and Mitsuya had spent their free time with you, being courteous of one another. It honestly surprised you how well they worked with each other. "What do you want to do?" You asked as you grabbed your clothes and headed for the bathroom. "I'm thinking, a picnic? Maybe a walk through the park? Nothing much, I just wanna spend time with you Princess." He smiled as you turned in the doorway and said, "A picnic and a walk sounds amazing." You close the door and change into high waisted black pants, a pink long sleeve and black boots. You opened the door as Baji turned and gawked at you. You giggled as you threw your clothes in the hamper and said, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He grinned as he pulled out his phone and held out his hand. You smiled as you walked over to him and took his hand. He wrapped his arm around your waist as he took mirror selfies with you. "Alright. I think that's enough, let's go." You chuckle out as you escape his grasp and head for the door. Baji heads out as you quickly grab a blanket and walk outside, locking the door behind you.

"Ready?" Baji asks as he takes your hand with a smile, "Yep! Let's go." Baji took you to your favorite sandwich stop, grabbing food and drinks for both of you, before leading you to the park. It was already about 3 o'clock and the air was chilly, but snow hadn't started to fall. When we finally reached the park we found a nice clearing, and set the blanket down. For the next hour and a half Baji and I talked, laughed, and ate food together. I never really realized how much I loved spending time with him. He would butt heads with me sometimes, but deep down he was such a softie when it came to me. When I was with him, I only ever felt at peace. He can make me mad, he can make me laugh, he can even irritate me, but I could never bring myself to be mad at him for too long. He had a certain charm to him that made me drawn to him. He still struggled to express himself but he was slowly but surely opening up to you. "Baji?" You asked softly, as he looked at you and took your hand. "Yes Princess?" You sighed as you said, "Do you miss Kazutora?" You look away as you ask, as you feel him tense up besides you. He sighed as he said, "Of course I do.. We were two peas in a pod.. and a long time ago he lost himself.." He tightens his grip on your hand as you turn to face him. 

You could see the tears in his eyes as you pulled your legs up to your chest. "On the night of Bloody Halloween, I realized how far gone he really was.. He was even willing to kill me..." He looked up as he met your eyes, and said, "But you? You came into the picture and changed everything..." You softly gasped as he softly chuckled, "The first day he met you, he was glowing. Had a smile on his face that I'd never seen before." He got shy as he softly said, "I got worried he fell for you.." You giggled at his jealousy as you pulled him into you, kissing him softly on the cheek. He smiled as he said, "Thank you for that Princess. After that, I slowly saw how he would spiral into darkness. He wanted to kill Mikey, put an end to Toman.. and I knew he was slowly losing it.." He rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand as he said, "The day of Bloody Halloween I was so focused on protecting you, that I was blind to what was happening before me."  He kissed your hand softly as he said, "But you saw him for who he was, deep down inside, and tried to save him, despite only knowing him for such a short time.. and I can't ever thank you enough for it." You smiled at him, as you leaned over and rested your head on his shoulder. 

"In the days leading up to me leaving the US, my mom thanked me for being her sunshine, she encouraged me to always do my best to shine for others. When I came here, I found Emma and all of you. I found a source of my own sunlight. I saw exactly what she saw in me, and I wanted to do whatever I could to protect you guys." You looked up at him, as his bronze eyes gazed into yours, as you softly breathed out, "I found so much more than what I was looking for." His gaze turned hungry, as he looked down at your lips and back up at your eyes. You slowly leaned into him as he softly placed a kiss on your lips. You slowly pull away as you meet his bronze eyes once more. "Well color me shocked." Your moment is cut short by a harsh, raspy voice that suspiciously sounds familiar. "So this is my competition? My, my, he sure is a contender." You turn your head to the sound of the voice, as your jaw drops. "T-Taiju.." You softly breathe out, as Baji stands up and shields you from him. "Woah, woah, slow down there lover boy. I'm not here to pick a fight. Remember we have a truce." He holds his hands up as you stand up and place a hand on Baji's shoulder. "It's okay Baji.. Calm down." Taiju smiles at you as he says, "It's always such a pleasure to see you (Y/n)." He smiled brightly as you could feel the jealousy radiating off of Baji. Taiju walked forward, as he extended a hand out to Baji. "Taiju Shiba." Baji glares at him, as you softly say, "Baji..." He rolls his eyes as he takes his hand and says, "Baji Keisuke." 

Uncertain (Baji x Reader x Mitsuya)Where stories live. Discover now