A Truth You Won't Believe

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AN : Heyyyyyy

So I'd like to request something of you :)

Record your reactions to this chapter..

Doesn't matter if it's after its posted or 3 months later, please record your reaction and thoughts <3

Tag me on Tik Tok --> loopy_._

No reason :) Just, trust, yk? :D

That's the only context you get. LUL

Anyways enjoy.


[A few days later]

"Well I'll be damned.. You look great Inui!" You smiled as Inui walked up to you and the others in a Toman uniform. After the incident, you called Mikey giving him a brief explanation of what happened. He then asked to meet with all of Toman's 3rd Division at Musashi Shrine close to midnight. Inui smiled as he said, "I know, I never thought the day would come, but here we are." You straighten out his jacket as you hear Mikey clear his throat behind you. You turn and face them as Mikey looks down and sighs, "So.. Mucho is the traitor.." You take a step forward, as you bow before him and say, "Yes he is. In this conflict, the 3rd Division will take it upon ourselves to retrieve Koko." You returned to original height, as you hold out your pinky and shout, "No matter the cost." As you said this, all of your men took a knee behind you, signifying their loyalty to you. He smiles as he says, "I see you have all your ducks in a row." You giggle as you say, "Nah, they're all just a bunch of goofs. Inui!" They all chuckled at your response as Inui stood and took his place beside you. "Do you have any idea when Tenjiku will attack us? They have both Kisaki and Koko now." You look up at Mikey as you say, "And we know they want to get to Mikey next.. We need as much of an advantage as we can get." Inui nods as he bows before Mikey and says, "Commander. If I'm being completely honest, they are most likely to attack us tomorrow.." He returns at his original height, as he says, "Tomorrow is the Black Dragon's 11th Birthday. Izana idolized Shinichiro and the Black Dragons, to him, the 22nd of February is a special day."

You feel the tension build as Mikey turns stiff at his words. He shakily says, "Are you positive?" Inui nods as he says, "Yes. I'm sure of it." Mikey nods at you as he says, "Gather everyone in Toman." He turns away from all of you, as he says, "We need to prepare for tomorrow's battle. This will be our final assembly." You all stood up straight as all of you shouted, "YES SIR!" You call Draken and about 2 hours later, all of Toman is present at Musashi Shrine. You see Baji first as he runs up to you and hugs you tightly. "Are you okay Princess?" You softly nod as he pulls away from you and places a hand on your check. "Did he hurt you.." You sigh as you say, "Yes, but I'm okay Baji really." He notices the bandage on your neck as he grows angry and says, "This doesn't look okay." You giggle, as you say, "You're overreacting.." He looks at you as he says, "I'm not crazy!" You chuckle as you look around and say, "Have you seen Mitsuya? He should've been here by now.. Smiley and Angry are missing too.." Baji shrugs as he says, "I don't keep tabs on my competition." You chuckle as you say, "And here I thought you two were buddy, buddy now." You sigh and say, "I wanted to say this to both of you, but here goes nothing." You take a deep breath, as you say, "I'm so incredibly thankful for both of you.. and I wanted to say I'm so sorry.. for the way I was acting.. I was scared because I lost myself.. I got angry.. but I'm working on it.. I promise.. I just wanted to remind you, both of you, that I am so happy we met.." You smile at him, as you say, "I wouldn't change it for the world.."

A soft blush covers Bajis face as he clears his throat and says, "Princess.." You shush him as you say, "Not done! That being said.. we really need to talk-" Your cut off as Draken begins to yell, "This emergency meeting regarding Toman vs Tenjiku begins now!" You give them a soft smile, as you turn and face the front of the shrine, walking back over to Takemichi and Chifuyu. As you take your place between them, you softly whisper, "Remember, the 3rd Divisions object is to get Koko back, and defeat both Kisaki and Izana." Takemichi smiles at you, as he reaches for your hand and slyly takes your pinky. "So our objective is to defeat Tenjiku?" He looks over at Chifuyu who follows suit, taking your pinky in his as he says, "But the problem is, can Toman win in this state?" Almost as if he could hear your conversation, Draken shouts, "Alright! Listen up! Today, on the 22nd of February, Tenjiku and Toman will have a full on confrontation." His voice turns hollow as he says, "The war is finally starting.. You all need to brace yourselves, because Tenjiku is not the type to play around. They call themselves "A Criminal Organization," meaning they fully plan to use dirty tricks!" You feel the tension build around the boys around you, but before Draken can continue, one of the boys in front of you shouts, "Then Toman must do the same!" Your jaw drops as you realize who the voice belongs to. Takemichi beats you to the punch as he says, "Hakkai?!" He was sweaty and very clearly angry, as he said, "Fuck them up with dirty tricks!"

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