A Pleasant Surprise

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You shake your head as you say, "Sorry that came out wrong. I just assumed you both wanted to talk to me privately." Baji looks at Mitsuya then back at you. "Can I talk to you first?" You nod as you ask Mitsuya, "Can you wait for me down the steps?" He smiles as he says, "Got it." He turns around as he heads down the stairs. Baji and you are left alone as he looks down. "So Baji, what did you want to say?" Baji takes a deep breath as he bows before you. "I was an idiot Princess." You chuckle, still not used to the whole bowing thing, as you say "Go on." He returns to original height as he says, "You probably have figured it out by now, I'm not the best at expressing my emotions... That day when I stormed off, I felt like a huge idiot. I let my pride get the better of me and for that I'm sorry." He takes your hand in his as you smile at him.

"And as shitty as an excuse it is," He continues, as he lifts your hand to his face. "That's the reason I didn't visit you in the hospital." He kisses your hand softly as he gazes into your eyes. "I was embarrassed about what I did, and frankly I was scared you wouldn't wanna see me." He scratches his head, as a blush covers his face. "Can you forgive me, Princess?" You smile, as you hug him, "Of course I can." You release him, as he tries to kiss you, but you stop him. "Hold it lover boy. I have one more question. I need to know right here and now, what are you trying to gain here? Why do you want to get so close to me?" He sighs as he rests his head on your shoulder. "I don't know. I know it's a shitty answer, but it's true. I feel like I'm on cloud 9 when I'm with you. My need to protect you grows every time I see you hurt. Seeing your smile makes my heart flutter." He takes a deep breath, "But I can't promise you a relationship, I can't promise I'll be easy to work with, or that I'll feel the same in the end but," He pulls away, as he looks you in the eyes, "I'm willing to try, and do what I can to convince you to one day be mine."

You smile, as you feel your stomach doing backflips. You hear how genuine he's being with you. You hug him again as you say, "I'm not perfect either, I will be a handful, but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel something for you too." You can't see it, but Baji was blushing. "I don't know what it is, if it's love or something else, but I want to try." You take a pause as you say, "But I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel anything for Mitsuya too." You pull away, as you face away from him, "I understand if that changes how you feel. It's hard to hear that the girl you like might like someone else too." Baji stays silent, as he comes up behind you and hugs you. "You're worth the try." You smile as you face him, "I understand your confusion, besides," He takes your hand as he says, "I don't completely understand how I feel right now either. But I'm willing to try." He sighs, "Even if I'm competing with that idiot." You giggle, as he looks back at you. "Seeing that smile is all I need." He kisses you on the head, as he says, "Go and talk to him now." He lets you go as he starts to walk away. You take a deep breath, as Baji says, "Oh and (Y/n)? I still owe you a date. A real one." He smiles as he leaves you alone with your thoughts. You head down the steps, as Mitsuya stands to look at you.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting." He smiles at you as he says, "I understand, don't worry." He takes a deep breath as he says, "Listen (Y/n)," he bows as he says, "I'm sorry I didn't go to visit you. I knew I should've. I beat myself up for not going, but I was mad at myself." He returns to his original height as he says, "I said I would protect you and I failed miserably." He looks down as he says, "I didn't want you to think less of me." Your eyes soften, as you hug him. "Mitsuya, it's not your fault I was hurt." You let him go as you say, "I put myself in that situation and I did my best to hold my own." He sighs as he says, "I just don't like seeing you hurt." He places his hand on your face, as he caresses your cheek. "Can you please forgive me, Feisty?" You place your hand over his, as you say, "Of course I can." He takes a deep breath, relief heard as he says, "Oh thank god!" You chuckle as he rubs his neck, and asks, "Is this the part where you tell me you like Baji-san and are sorry for leading me on?" You giggle as you look at him, and say, "Not exactly, I do have to ask though. What are your feelings for me?"

Uncertain (Baji x Reader x Mitsuya)Where stories live. Discover now