A new encounter

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"Hey (Y/n)."  No answer.

"(Y/n)?" Still nothing.

"(Y/N)!!" Emma screams in her ear "JESUS WHAT?!" (Y/n) flinched covering her ear "Did you hear what I asked?" Emma's smile faded as she can clearly tell (Y/n) didn't. "Alright, alright I didn't hear you what was it?" Emma rolled her eyes, but asked her question again. "Do you want to join the sewing club with me?" (Y/n) turns to face her "Sewing club?" (Y/n) chuckles, "Seriously?" Emma frowns at her friend and proceeds to say "Do you have anything better to do on your free time?" (Y/n) smile disappears, but quickly turns into a laugh. "Damn your'e absolutely right. Fine, fine I'm in!" She smiles at Emma as she says, "The President is Takashi Mitsuya. Toman's Second Division Captain." (Y/n)'s smile fades. "Wait, seriously?" (Y/n) shakes her head and says, "Then hard pass." This causes Emma to groan and ask her, "(Y/n) are you still upset over the whole meeting?"

It has officially been a week since (Y/n) saved Emma, met Mikey and Toman, and more importantly since her first encounter with Baji. (Y/n) had basically been doing everything she could to avoid seeing Baji and Mikey. Realistically she just didn't wanna know what they thought of her. "(Y/n) I told you, Mikey's not mad with you! If anything he's been begging me to bring you around so he can apologize." Emma looks at her with soft eyes. (Y/n) had explained how it felt and it made sense to her, she just wished that her brother and newfound best friend could get along again. (Y/n) sighs as she look at her best friend."She has done nothing but respect my space" (Y/n) thought to herself. "She hasn't asked me to see Mikey since I explained how I felt."


                                        [A day after the incident]

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner but how are you?" Emma asked sincerely worried for her friend.

(Y/n) was wearing a turtle neck to hide the big hickeys Baji had left on her. She didn't have the heart to tell Emma what happened in fear she'd think less of her.

"It's alright. I used the time to sleep" She smiled at Emma.

"Sooooo... about yesterday"

"Yes?" (Y/n) asked wondering what she wanted to say.

"Mikey wants to see you.."


"Wait, wait! He wants to apologize," (Y/n) stayed silent, signaling for her to continue. "He wants to apologize for his behavior, and the behavior of Baji, the First Division Captain who punched you"

Trust me. He's apologized enough. (Y/n) thought as a faint blush painted her face. Her chest still aching from the bite marks and bruises he left.

"He wanted me to ask you before hand, because when it happened he didn't say or do anything to stop Baji."

(Y/n) took a long deep breath as she told her, "It's not that I don't want to see them Emma. I honestly had a lot of fun with them." "Some more than others" She thought to herself, shaking her head bringing her back to reality. "I'm just embarrassed" she sighed looking down. "I came here for a fresh start, and I'd be lying if I said I had a good history with boys." Emma had walked up to her and held her hands as she spoke. "I just felt like I overreacted. Not to mention I hurt Baji just so we could be "equal."" This made Emma giggle which made (Y/n) confused.

"Sorry." she said as she looked back at her. "You just turn a bright red when you talk about him" This comment only made her do just that. "Wh-what?! No! N-No it doesn't!" (Y/n) manages to stutter out, only making Emma giggle more. (Y/n) shakes her head "Back to the point.." she says shooting daggers at her, as Emma sticks her tongue out at her. "It was my first day here and I caused such a commotion. I just need some time to find the right words to say. Not only to Mikey, but Baji too." Emma's eyes softened as she realized her newfound friend has a bad history, remembering the first night they met and the nightmare she had. Emma hadn't brought back up.

"Just give me some time" (Y/n) pleaded holding her friends hand again.

"Alright" Emma smiles at her, how could she refuse when she owed her so much.


                                          [Back to present day]

(Y/n) sighed softly, causing Emma to look back at her. 

"Fine" she says, seeing her best friend light up with excitement. "Not only will I join the sewing club," she continued, watching the excitement in Emma's face grow, "but I'll agree to see your brother." Emma, now overflowing with joy hugs her best friend. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm so excited!" This made (Y/n) warm inside, she smiled at her best friend, as she added one condition. "Just not on the same day!" She tells Emma. "When does sewing club meet?" Emma answers, already having an idea of when she could see Mikey, "Today after school! Is two days enough time to see Mikey?" she asks, a huge smile plastered on her face. "Yes that sounds fine." (Y/n) responds pleased with the happiness she's given her friend. She rests her head on Emma's shoulder with her eyes closed. "(Y/n)?" Emma asked her softly. "Thank you for being such a great friend" (Y/n) says softly to her warming Emmas heart and growing the bond the two girls share.


                                             [After school]

(Y/n) was fully aware that the sewing club president was someone from Toman, but the only problem was she had no idea who he was. What's even worse was she was running late to the club. Emma had said she'd meet her there and (Y/n) had lost track of time studying for a test she had coming up. "At least he'll already be inside the classroom." she thought to herself.  She reached the room out of breath, but relieved she wasn't super late. She checked the time on her phone. "10 minutes late? Not too bad"  Her thoughts are interrupted by a hand on her waist and a voice whispering into his ear. "Today must be my lucky day, I finally ran back into you, Feisty"

Almost as quickly as you heard his voice you spun around losing your balance falling into his arms. "Falling for me already?" he chuckles softly. (Y/n) looked up to the Second Division Captain and recognized him immediately. "He's the boy that caught Baji when I kicked him."  (Y/n) was once again painfully oblivious to the fact that she was just starring at the guy not saying a word. "Are you gonna tell me your name? Or would you rather stay in my arms, gawking at me, not that I mind." He winked at you and smiled, bringing you back to reality. "My name? Its-" She's cut off when the door slams open making her jump back. She sees Emma at the door, she smiles as she sees (Y/n). "(Y/N)! Oh there you are Mitsuya!" She stares at the two wondering what transpired between them. (Y/n) not wanting to give her any ideas says, "Yep! We were just heading in!" She grabs Emma's arm and pulls her into the room.

Mitsuya follows them in closing the door behind them. "Hello everyone! Like normal you guys are free to do whatever you want, just come to me if you need help." (Y/n) trying to forget the conversation her and Mitsuya share, turns to Emma and asks, "What are you gonna create? I think maybe a crop top." Emma ponders it for a minute and says, "Possibly a sweatshirt." As her and Emma work on their projects, she can't help but feel Mitsuya starring at her. She finally had the courage to look over at him, and sure enough he was looking at her. We locked eyes and he smiled at me. I returned to my work and he took it as his cue to come over to us.

"How's it going over here?" Emma responds happily. "Really good!" As Emmas says this (Y/n)'s machine gets stuck. "Oh thats an easy fix." He leans over (Y/n), the chain he wears around his neck rests on her head. He fixes the machine and looks back at the two "If you need anything don't hesitate to ask!" With this Emma turns back to her work, unaware Mitsuya was still next to (Y/n). He lowers himself to her ear, and whispers slowly, allowing his warm breath to brush against her neck. "And I still wanna know that pretty little name of yours, even if I have to get it out of you." He winks as he walks back to his desk, leaving you with your stomach doing backflips.



A slightly longer chapter, but I hope you enjoyed!

I'll do my best to upload on Wednesdays and Saturdays :)  

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