I will protect you

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Warning : This episode contains mentions of abuse that is NOT suited for all reader.

You have been warned.

Please enjoy :)


This causes the group of boys to laugh. It doesn't phase you at all as you get closer to Draken. Your breathing hitches as you see him. He's alive, barely. He is as pale as a ghost and has a streak of blood on his head, as well as the bloodstain on his shirt where he was stabbed. You get down close to him, tears swelling in your eyes. "Draken," you say softly, as you hold out your pinky, "Don't you fucking die on me." Draken smiles as he takes your pinky, and weakly responds, "Wouldn't dream of it (Y/n)." You turn your attention to Hina, as she says, "We called an ambulance! It's on its way." You smile softly at them, feeling anger whelm in you. "Keep him safe." You turn back to the boys who were holding Takemichi. "Let go of my friend." You spat at them, as they throw him to the floor.

"Now who the fuck do you thi-" He's cut off as you swing your leg, kicking him in his face. He slams into the wall and falls unconscious. Leaving the other boys speechless. "Takemichi, get behind me, I won't have you dying on me either." Takemichi forces himself up, as he struggles to say, "N-no... (Y/n)..." "ENOUGH. GO!" You shout at him, as he forces himself up and back away from you. "Just keep your cool (Y/n). These idiots won't play fair, so stay focused."  You prepare yourself to fight, as you ask, "Now which one of you idiots is Kiyomasa." The boy in the middle eyes goes wide, as you smile sinisterly, "So you're the one that hurt Draken?" You take a step towards the remaining 5 guys as you say, "I'll make sure you pay for that." Kiyomasa takes a step back, fear present in his eyes, as he shouts, "What are you waiting for?! Kill her!"

His underlings spring into action, lunging at you. You dodge the first one as you punch the second in his face, making him fall back. The third one tries to kick you in his stomach, but you catch his leg and push him back into the fourth causing both of them to fall back. The first boy you had dogged, grabs you by the shirt collar, and throws you back into the wall. You hit the wall. Hard. You don't allow yourself to fall, taking a deep breath as you push off the wall, and lunge towards the boy. You grab him by the neck and slam him into the wall, you let his neck go as you punch his face. The second boy you had punched, takes this opportunity to kick you on your side, pushing you away from the first boy.

You grunt in pain, but keep your eyes glued on him. You fake throw a punch, making the second boy react, leaving him vulnerable. You instead use all your force and throw a kick at the boy making him bend over in pain. You use this opportunity to your advantage. You propel yourself up, and swing your legs around kicking the 3rd and 4th boy with enough force to render both boys unconscious. You had been so focused on the fight at hand you hadn't noticed that Kiyomasa had brought out a blade. When you finally land, Kiyomasa takes a swing at you. By sheer luck you manage to dodge it, but he ends up cutting your arm. "FUCK!" You yell as anger whelms in you. "Fucking asshole. You were aiming for my chest, weren't you?" Kiyomasa smiles wickedly, "I sure was, but don't worry. I'll make sure to make this painless for you. Then I'll kill Draken."

Hearing Kiyomasa say that causes you to see red. "Fuck control. He's dead." You lung at Kiyomasa, doing your best to avoid his blade. He takes another swing at you, he barely misses, cutting the side of your face, as you land a punch in his stomach. He grunts in pain, but keeps a hold of the knife, digging it into your upper shoulder. You scream out in pain, as your friends scream out, "(Y/N)!" They had been intensely watching the fight. "No!" You hear Takemichi cry, as he tries to stand. You grab Kiyomasas hand, twisting it behind him and slamming him down to the floor. "DON'T COME CLOSER IDIOT." You use your free hand to pull the knife out, you scream in pain as you do, but you keep Kiyomasa pinned down beneath you. You pant, tears stinging your eyes, as you point the knife at him. "You should've walked away when you had the chance." Kiyomasa takes this moment to grab you by the neck and use his momentum to slam you down on the floor. He has his hand on your neck as he looms over you. Unfortunately for him, you figured he would try something and so to Kiyomasas surprise, you're holding the knife to his neck, as you apply pressure, causing blood to fall.

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