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"Good morning sir"

"Morning Frank, how was your weekend?"

The butler smiles.

"It was fine sir, I had time to play with my grandkids"

Dave nods with a soft smile. He had known Frank since he was a child, it was as if Frank were a father to him.

"Tell me Frank, do you ever plan on retiring?"

"Oh yes, when I know you'll be fine on your own"

Dave sighs.

"What if I won't?"

"Well, I'll leave and wish you the best"

He laughs and turns to his phone, rolling his eyes as he read this two day old rumor about him and that Jack guy. His screen flashes when Victoria called him.


"There you are! I'm downstairs come take your gift"

He sighs and heads downstairs, his footsteps echoing through the marble foyer. He opens the door and sees a large box at the door. He looks around and Victoria was nowhere to be found.

Dave carries the box inside and sets it on top of a piano so he could open it. He gasps.

"What the....why would she buy me a case of lube and condoms"

Then a text message comes through.

AuntieVi- don't use them all at once!!

He rolls his eyes.

"That perverted woman"

•°• ✾ •°•

Jack was now at an ice cream shop, they had the best caramel fudge ice cream. He looks around the store and frowns when he sees a familiar face on a poster.

It was Dave, he was advertising the ice cream for the shop. He scoffs and takes out a blue pen, colouring Dave's teeth and drawing a mustache.

"Is that him? He's way more hotter than in the pictures"

He looks to his right and saw the employees taking pictures of him. He clears his throat.


"Don't worry about it, but maybe do that in private? The Montgomery heir has a lot of fans"

He scoffs.

"I'm not afraid of them"

The employees squeal for a second.

"How confident! What will you have? It's on the house"

Jack scans through the menu, one product catches his eyes.

"The Dave deluxe?" He asks and the employee nods.

"We named one ice cream after our ambassador, it's the most bought item"

Jack scoffs and hands her the menu.

"I'll try it then"

•°• ✾ •°•

Dave sits on the sofa, holding a magazine in hand.

"Lift your chin up a bit, that's it"

The camera flashes three times before a makeup artist comes to touch up his face.

"Dave, put the magazine down and gaze into the distance" Victoria says.

Dave does as told and they snap a few pictures. Victoria had asked him to be one of the models for her catalogue since her company was in fashion design and lifestyle.

"Okay that's a wrap"

Dave sighs and relaxes, his aunt hands him a bottle of water.

"Thank you for doing this Darling"

"No worries, so I guess you'll be leaving soon?" He says and Victoria nods.

"Yeah, Jack will be left in charge while I go back to Italy. Now tell me, what's this I hear about you and Jack having a...thing?"

Dave sighs.

"Don't get me started on that. How they reached to that conclusion is odd to me"

Victoria shrugged.

"Honey I know it's been long since you had some...maybe jump his bones and see what happens"

Dave chuckles. Him and Jack? Yeah that's not going to happen.

"I hate that guy, he called me cheap"

Victoria giggles.

"He did? That's not a reason to hate him though"

"I know but, something about him just...irks me"

Victoria eyes her nephew in suspicion. Maybe she should set these two up.

"Do you want to go with me to the office?" She asks and Dave scoffs.

"And meet him? No thanks, I'm going to my favourite ice cream spot"

She sighs in defeat.

"Okay fine. I'll see you tonight for dinner"

•°• ✾ •°•

Jack holds the cup of ice cream in his hand, the mint chocolate chip was very inviting.

"It has three layers, chocolate at the bottom then ice cream, then cashews then caramel and topped off with ice cream again"

He takes a spoonful and tastes the ice cream melt into his mouth, the salt from the cashews really went well with the sweetness.

"Not bad"

He casually scrolls through his phone, scoffing as he sees the many posts of him and Dave's alleged relationship.

"Ahhh!! It's Dave!" A woman screams in delight. Jack looks up and it was really him. He watches Dave as he smiled and  sign some autographs.

"Is he a celebrity or something?" He scoffs.

On the other side, Dave heads to the counter.

"I'll have a unicorn sundae"

"Good choice! Will you be sharing with your boyfriend?"

Dave blinks in confusion.


"Your boyfriend is over there"

He follows the woman's gaze and he saw Jack looking at him. He snarled a little.

"What is HE doing here?"

He walks up to him, Jack points him with a spoon.

"What did you tell the media?"

Dave rolls his eyes and sits down.

"I didn't say anything, and I'd appreciate it if we don't talk about it"

"Why not? You're afraid your girlfriend will freak out?"

Dave almost laughed at him.

"Boyfriend you mean"

Jack tenses up.


"I'm gay you dunce"

Dave watches Jack's fave morph from Shock to utter disgust.

"Why? That's wrong?"

Dave frowned. What was wrong?

"I don't think I understand...what's wrong with me being gay?"

"You should be with a woman....being gay is wrong"

Dave rolls his eyes.

"I see...I should go then" he says and walks away, the lady at the counter frowning as she was left holding Dave's order.

"Did they fight?"

John Jack DaveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang