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Jack stops the car and turns to Dave. The man looks at him in confusion.

"What?" Dave asks.

"Let's go see the wedding venue"


Jack makes a u-turn and they head to Dave's parent's house. Dave tapped on his phone, coming across different articles about himself from the fashion show. He sighs and stuffs his phone into his pocket.

"Can we stay at my parent's for lunch? I'm in no mood to cook"

Jack nodded.

"Sure, but we'll have dessert at home"

Dave blushes and looked out the window.

"Shameless man"

In a matter of minutes, they arrived at the Montgomery estate. They get out of the car and a butler runs up to them with an umbrella. Dave and Jack exchanged a look.

"Good afternoon sirs, the couple are in the patio having brunch"

Dave nodded.

"It's okay we came to see the wedding venue and stay for lunch. Where's Frank?"

"Frank retired two days ago, he had said no goodbyes were needed as the family knows it was time"

Dave sighed sadly. Hopefully Frank still makes it to the wedding but he was happy the man was going to spend more time with his grand children.

"Okay then. You can head inside"

The butler nods and hands Jack the umbrella. Jack chuckled.

"He ran out here like the house was on fire"

Dave laughs softly.

"Stop it, Let's go"

They head to the backyard where Dave smiled once he saw that the chairs had been set up.

"It's wonderful" says Jack.

"I know right. Follow me"

They head to the patio where Mark and Vanessa were sitting by a table, enjoying drinks.

"Darling! How nice of you to stop by" Vanessa cheered as she exchanged air kisses with her son.

Mark and Jack shake hands, small smiles on their faces.

"I hope the florist delivered to your satisfaction?" Vanessa asks as she looks ahead.

Dave nods and sits down.

"We need a spot to place the cake. It's going to be tall so probably set it up in the foyer"

Mark nods.

"That's doable. So Jack, how's the company?"

"It's going great. We are releasing the magazine in two weeks"

"Is Dave the cover model? That would be cute" Vanessa coos.

"Actually he's not. Dave has a few pictures in there but the cover is dedicated to every day people"

Vanessa blinked in confusion.


Dave smiled at Jack, it was a turn on to see the man stand up for himself.

Two bulters come from the kitchen with two large trays.

"Lunch is served. The chef has prepared rib eye with a vegetable sauce."

They dig in, Jack took a bite of his steak after dipping it in the sauce. Once he felt a crunch, he secretly spat it out and gasped. There were peanuts in the sauce!

"Dave what's wrong?"

He looks up in shock and Dave was coughing before he fell over to the ground once he fainted. Adrenaline rushed his body and he pushes Dave's parents to the side, picks Dave up and rushes to the car.

•°• ✾ •°•

"He has an allergic reaction. He's allergic to sauces"

The nurse nods and heads inside the room where Dave was being taken care of.

Vanessa and Mark rush to him.

"What happened to him? He was fine just before we had lunch"

Jack sighed.

"There were nuts in the sauce, Dave is allergic to them"

Mark sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"It's my fault, I forgot to tell the new chef about Dave's allergies"

"Will he be alright?" Vanessa asks.

"They're treating him now, all we can do  is wait"
They waited for about 20 minutes. The doctor opened the door, all smiles.

"He'll be fine, you can see him now"

Jack rushes into the room, leaving Vanessa and Mark outside.

Dave smiled when he saw him, only to be hugged tightly.

"Babe I'm fine"

"I know but that was a scary sight to see"

Dave hugged him back.

"It's okay, I'm fine now"

Jack pulled away and nodded. Dave noticed his teary eyes and he hugged him again.

"It's okay Jack, nothing is going to happen to me"

Jack nodded, no words and Dave knew that Jack was upset. They pull away and Dave smiles.

"They gave me an epi-pen. So what happened today will never happen again okay?"

"Okay. I'm taking you home, you're not leaving my sight"

They bump foreheads and Dave smiled.

"Oh yeah? What will we do all day?"

Jack held him by the waist.

"Don't pretend you don't know"

Dave laughs softly and sits on the bed.

"Let's get going then"

•°• ✾ •°•

The chair reclines back and a bright light flashes in his face. The dentist pokes around at Austin's gums.

"How's your boyfriend?"

"He's...fine. why?"

"You have bruising on your palatte and you thought you had a swollen throat"

It then clicked. Austin blushed in embarrassment. Did dentist really know how oral sex affected the mouth?!


"Gurgle with warm salt water and take it easy on the....deep throat"

He blushed even more. This was just too much!

Once the dentist leaves the room, Austin sits up and John enters the room.

"So? What is the news?" John asks.

"Well he technically told me to go easy on blowjobs."

John frowned.

"How did he know that?"

"I have a bruised palette and a swollen throat"
John held in his laugh.

"What an interesting way to come out to your dentist"

Austin sighed.

"Tell me about it"

John Jack DaveWhere stories live. Discover now