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3months after...

"And it's with a heart full of pride and excitement that we open the doors for the NIRAN centre"

Dave cuts the blue ribbon, the audience erupts in applause, followed by flashing of cameras.

Jack, who was in front row was all in awe of his husband, to see him be this excited to help other people really made him proud. Dave was a good person. Too good.


They hug and Jack kisses him on the cheek.

"Congratulations on your project. I'm proud of you"

Dave smiles and holds Jack's hand as they walked inside the centre. The place was like a mall, different sections for different people. There was even an indoor playground where those with kids can take their children to play.

Jack's phone rings and Dave excuses himself to talk with the mayor.


"Good day is this Mr Montgomery-Niran?"

He frowns.

"Yes. Who is asking?"

"I'm Carol from the Reykjavik General hospital, we have a miss Lina here. She's in labour"

Jack felt like time had stopped for a few seconds. The babies were coming?!

"We'll be there!" He says and hangs up.

Dave, who was busy talking with the mayor is yanked back by his arm.

"What's wrong?" He asks in shock.

"The babies....they're coming. Lina is in labour!"

Dave gasped.

"Let's go!"

•°• ✾ •°•

They rush inside the hospital, looking for Bonnie. They see her pacing at the end of the hall.

"Boonie. I thought you said she had another week" Dave says, catching his breath.

"I did. But it seems my calculations were wrong. What are you two doing here? Get inside the room!"

The nurse scrubs them up and they head inside the room, Lina was in bed smiling at them.

"There you guys are"

"Hey Lina. How are you feeling?"

"Like a bubble about to burst. Are you excited to be taking your babies home tonight?"

Jack sits down and nods.

"Once again, we're grateful for what you're doing for us"

"Stop thanking me. The £95 000 was enough. In three weeks I'll be in Trinidad enjoying the beach sand." Lina said before she cried out as a contraction hit her.

Three nurses and a doctor enter the room.

"Administer the epidural"

"Yes doctor"

Jack and his husband stand by the side as they watch them prep Lina.

"Do you guys want to record, take pictures or something?"

They exchange a look.

"Do you?" Jack asks.

"Nope, I'm not looking under there. You do it"

Jack chuckles and takes out his phone and starts recording, occasionally panning the camera to Dave who was looking from a distance.

Lina's cries filled the room and Dave really felt bad for her. Delivering two babies at the same time must be the most painful thing to ever happen.

John Jack DaveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora