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Austin smiles as the barista hands him his coffee. The hot beverage was just what he needed to refresh his mind for the club tonight.

He makes his way out of the shop, heading to his BMW 320i that was parked across the street. The blue vehicle stood out amongst the other cars next to it.

He gets in and starts the car, taking a sip before pulling up the street. At the red light, he watches as a man stood in the middle of the road, hands in his pockets. Austin couldn't help but roll his eyes. It was John.

"What are you doing?" He asks, head out of the window.

John shrugged.

"I need to talk to you" he said and Austin sighed. This man was insane!

The light turns green and Austin steps on the gas, taking John by surprise as the man saw the car coming straight towards him.

"Hey! Are you crazy, do you want to kill me?"

Austin stuck his head out once more before he yelled back,

"Get out of the way crazy man!"

"I need to talk to you!"

"We have nothing to talk about!"

Seeing the car moving again, John jumped out of the way, landing on the sidewalk with a grunt. He looks back and sees Austin sticking out a middle finger as the sped away.

He does admits that he had made a mistake by suggesting that Austin could be a rebound guy but seeing the man for the second time, John couldn't help but feel intrigued by that nerd looking man.

"We'll meet again, I'm sure of it"

•°• ✾ •°•

"Bell peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, celery, spinach" Dave mumbles to himself as he checked his list.

Jack, who just wanted to rest on the couch was grumpily pushing the cart behind Dave.

"I think that's you need anything else?" Dave asks, looking at Jack.

"Nope, let's pay and head home"


Dave watches the cashier scan the items, he smiles as it was time to pay up, using something he never used before, a coupon.

"Congratulations, you've said £11.45"


Jack chuckles, shaking his head.

"You're indeed a cheap husband" he teases.

"Whatever, the more money I save, the more it can benefit others"

They walk out of the store and head to the parking lot. Dave frowns when he feels Jack pull him back.

"What's wrong?"

"Dave, did people make you think that you do not deserve the wealth you have?"


Jack sighs.

"I'm just confused because every month you open a charity, what happens if do it all?"

"Move to another country"

Jack was baffled. What could've made Dave like this. Sure giving to charity was okay and opening one is admirable but what Dave was doing was like he was obsessed with giving back to a community that already has so much.

"All I'm saying is it's okay to enjoy your own life. You were born rich, it's okay to be a little selfish for once"

Dave sighed.

"I was lucky to be born with a silver spoon in my mouth and now I want to share the food in that plate. Sure I might get carried away but look around his town, there are no homeless people why? Because I built them homes, there is a food bank, a top tier orphanage, schools with the best educators. I may look like I'm doing to much but I'm doing so much more for this town than my own parents."

Jack offered him a small smile.

"Alright. I'm sorry"

Dave shook his head.

"It's Alright, I'm starving let's go home"

•°• ✾ •°•

"I'm home!"

"Welcome back honey. How was work?"

Austin smiles as he gave his mother a hug, sighing in content as he took in her rosey scent.

"Work was fine. Did you go check on dad today?"

Austin's mother, Claire shook her head. Her husband, Anthony was in a coma for about three years now, he was in a car accident and they were told he'd never be able to wake up but Claire and Austin decided to keep him on life support, with the hopes that Anthony will wake up.

"I didn't go...I think it's time to take the machine off him honey"

Just the thought of his father dead just made him shake in fear.

"Let's give him another year. I'm making more money, I can pay the bills"

Claire sighed and patted Austin shoulder.

" have to let him go. But I'll give you time"

He sighs and goes upstairs to his room, plummeting on the bed with a deep groan. His phone then vibrates.

John Evans just followed you

He frowns and sits up. How the hell did John find his instagram?! Then the notification start popping up, John was liking all his posts from 2013 until the last one!

"He is really crazy"

•°• ✾ •°•

Jack watched Dave cook. This time he made sure Dave knew how to hold a hot pan, cut vegetables safely and seasoning the food.

Dave turned the stove off and plates up, placing the stir fry neatly in the middle of the plate before he tops it with chicken breasts and a squeeze of lemon.


Jack smiles and takes his plate, seeing Dave expectantly looking at him for a review. Jack takes a bite, the chicken melting in his mouth, the vegetables were just perfect.

"Well?" Dave asks.

"It tastes cheap"

Dave snarled and then smiled.

"Thanks, don't get used to it, I won't cook for you that often"

"Why not?"

"Because it's tiring. I'd rather do the dishes"

Jack chuckled and agreed with him.

"Okay then. Since you cooked for me I'll give you a reward"

Dave smirked.

"Is it what I think it is?"

"No. Your reward is taking a shower with me"

•°• ✾ •°•

John-Are you ignoring me?

Austin rolled his eyes.

Austin- YES!

John-why? I really need to talk to you :(

He sighs and bit his nail.

Austin-Fine but after that you'll leave me alone :|

John-Deal ;)

Austin looked at the message and sighed. Something tells him John was going to be a problem in his life.

"Crazy man"

John Jack DaveWhere stories live. Discover now