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"What's your favourite song?"

Jack looks up from his plate and sees Dave looking at him. The two were back home and having dinner.

"Celine Dion's A New Day"

Dave nodded. It was a beautiful song.

"What about yours?"

"Beethoven's Für Elise"

Jack chuckled.

"I you dance to it and stuff?"

Dave nodded as he chewed.

"Mhm, my father taught me the dance when I was 9. He always said music is the only thing that can touch us for a lifetime without letting go"


He nods and cuts another piece of steak. His eyes gaze on the ring around his finger and sighed.

"Jack....are you okay with all of this?"

Jack frowns as the question was unexpected.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...we weren't getting along and now we're here playing house. Do you want to be here?"

Jack sighed.

"Dave, we made a deal. You'll get the funds to open your big charity property. Once that is done, we'll see what we can do afterwards"

He sighed again. Hopefully the outcome will be a better one than what he is thinking right now.

Dave's phone then vibrates on the table, he looks at the screen and it was a message from Victoria.

"Check the news?" He whispers before standing up and heading to the living room. Jack frowns and follows behind.

Dave turns on the tv and his breath catches in his throat.

"Good news for the Montgomery family as the heir of the multi-trillion dynasty was seen in the parking lot of the hospital kissing a man whom we speculate is the same man he was seen with at the airport two weeks ago. Reykjavik wishes them, a blissful relationship"

"Shit" Dave says.

"What's wrong? They know now, it'll help us prove to your parents that we are serious" Jack chimes in.

"That's true but my parents don't know about my, we might have a small problem"

Jack sighed. It was indeed a problem.

"Let's sleep on it. We'll think of something tomorrow"

•°• ✾ •°•


Dave is awoken by whimpers again. He gets out of bed and heard Jack whimpering in his sleep. He knocks twice.


He knocks for the third time.


He sighs and opens the door only to blush. Jack was fast asleep in his boxers. Dave pulls the duvet over him and pats Jack on the head.

"You'll be fine" he whispers. He walks out of the room and heads downstairs to the kitchen.

While the kettle boiled some water, Dave goes through his phone. He finds a picture he had taken of Jack the other day. The man was in front of his laptop working. Dave smiled and posted it on his Instagram, the picture gaining two thousand likes in ten seconds.

"Don't these people sleep?" He whispers in shock. The kettle switch flicks catching his attention. He turns around and makes himself a cup of tea, squeezing a lemon inside the hot beverage.



Jack's laugh filled the dark kitchen while Dave rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Why are you awake?" Dave asks.

"You closed the door too loudly" Jack says as he grabs a cup and hands it over to Dave

"Make me a cup dear"

Dave rolled his eyes.


Jack sits by the counter and sighs.

"I had a nightmare again"

"I heard" Dave says as he prepared the tea.

"When I was young, my father had this unexplained hatred for the LGBTQI+. Every morning before school, he'll make me kneel down and order me to hate the community"

Dave turned around to face him, although the room was dark, he could sense Jack's eyes on him.

"Is that how you got the scars on your back?" He whispers.

"Yes....he'd hit me with a cane reed, over and over again"

"What about your mother? Did she know about this?"

"My mother was a nurse, she worked every night and came home an hour after I had left for school"

"Did your father's brainwashing work?"

Jack scoffed.

"It didn't it only got worse once I came out to him"

Dave was shocked. He knew Jack wasn't straight but the fact that he was brave enough to come out to his father was quite brave.

"Did he....hurt you?"

Jack took in a shaky breath, tears stinging his eyes.

"He kicked me out and probably forgot about me"

Dave walked up to him.

"Can I hug you?" He asks and Jack wrapped his arms around him.

"You didn't deserve what he did to you. You made it out of that toxic house and you're free from him"

"Thanks" Jack whispers, tightening his grip on Dave's pyjama top.

Dave held Jack tightly, hands going up the man's back, the bumps from the scars made his heart ache for Jack.

The kettle flicks and they pull apart. Dave sighed and poured the hot water in the cup.

"You know....your parents don't have to decide what you do with your life" Jack says. Dave turns to him in confusion.


"Your don't have to let them decided what you do. You're an adult now and you can make your choices on your own"

"I know but-"

"No buts, if your mother calls you this morning and says something you don't agree with, just say 'mom I love you but this is the choice I made, you don't have to agree with it but atleast respect it' then you hang up"

Dave sat next to him and sighed. Could he really do that?

"I'll give it a try"

•°• ✾ •°•

Later that morning, Jack was preparing to go to work, the slim fit shirt he was wearing hugged his biceps and abs tightly, he then tied a tie around his neck, the small knot made the tie look ridiculous.

"You cannot walk out with that tie" Dave says once he sees Jack coming down the stairs.

Jack frowns and adjusted the tie around his neck.

"It's fine"

"No, give it to me"

Jack gave out a groan and gave the tie to Dave. They lock eyes as Dave ties the tie around Jack's neck. Dave smirked at him.

"You make a good lazy husband"

"And you make a great nagging wife"

Jack chokes as Dave tightly pulls on the tie.

"Call me a nagging wife one more time and you'll regret it"

Jack leaned forward, taking Dave by surprise.
"Are you sure you can handle that task?"

Dave heard his heartbeat ring in his ears. He pushes Jack away.

"We'll see"

John Jack DaveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin