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The edm music was playing in full blast. Jack sighed as Dave pulled him inside the not so crowded club.

"What will you drink?" Dave asks.

"A martini" Jack responds and Dave gave him an odd look. He turns to the bartender.

"Two vodka sodas please"

Jack sits on the barstool while Dave stood beside him.

"Your drinks"

Jack then watches Dave down the drink in one go.

"That was a bad idea" he said. Dave flashes him a smile.

"Don't worry about it"

"Dave! Over here!" A voice yells out. Dave looks around and sees John. He taps Jack's shoulder.

"I'll be back"

Jack sighs. He should be working right now!

Dave walks up to John, the man was in a private booth sitting between two young men.

"I thought you left paris"

"I'm leaving in a few hours, the jet had a little problem" he says and glances back at Jack, the man was looking at them.

"Why is the terminator here with you?"

Dave sighs

"I have to help him work but we're on break now so" he shrugged. John smirked.

"He's looking at you"

Dave rolls his eyes.

"Maybe he think I'll pass out or something, let's dance"

Jack watches them dance, he orders another drink and he sighs. Why was he here?

"I think he likes you" John whispered in Dave's ear.

"Nah, he's straight"

"Oh yeah? Then he won't be jealous when he sees this" he said and gives Dave a kiss, tongue down his friend's throat while he squeezed his butt. Dave moans softly, hand grabbing John's crotch.

Jack, who had seen the whole thing was quite shocked. Then the dream he had about him and Dave in bed flash in his mind. He walks up to them.

"Here he comes" John says and stepped away then sighs.

"You again?" John teases. Dave, who was still in a daze from the kiss looks up at Jack.


"We're leaving"

•°• ✾ •°•

"Why do we have to leave?" Dave whined as Jack pulls him along the streets of paris.

"You're drunk, you need sleep"

Dave pulled his hand away.

"I had one drink"

Jack turns to him.

"We're going back to the hotel. Now!"

Dave scoffed.

"Or what?"

Mind you, Dave is 5'4 while Jack is 6'2. Jack picks Dave up like a sack of potatoes, the man screaming and fighting to be let go.

"The more you fight the more its gets worse for you"

Dave sighed in defeat, occasionally hiding his face as people who saw him over Jack's shoulder would point and some will cheer, thinking they were a couple.

John Jack DaveWhere stories live. Discover now