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Austin locks up his office and heads to the elevators, he smiles when he receives a message from John.

John- I miss you :(

He chuckles, shaking his head.

Austin- I'm on my way. Get ready

John- I'll be waiting ;)

Getting in his car, he starts the music and makes his way out of the premises. He smiles when he sees Jack and his fiancé on a billboard, the large picture really made it seem like it was a family photo for the public to see.

"They really do make a cute couple"

Before he knew it, he had arrived at John's place. He still has to get used to seeing this big house whenever he sees it, along with the breathtaking topiary. He parks next to John's Bentley and steps out, walking towards the front door.

Before Austin could even knock, the door opened and he laughs a little.

"Were you waiting for me?" He teases and John shrugs.

"I can wait for my boyfriend if I want"

He steps inside and holds John by the waist.

"You can do whatever you want"

John smirks and leans forward, lips meeting halfway for a kiss. John is pinned to the wall as the kiss deepens, moaning as he feels Austin's hands go down his thighs to his crotch, feeling the man's soft massage on his member making him go hard immediately.

Austin pulls away and smirks.

"I need a shower"

"You can shower after"

He chuckles and tugs on John's belt.

"Is that so? What do you want me to do for you baby?"

John bites his bottom lip when Austin's hand goes up inside his briefs, arching his back against the wall.

"Put it in your mouth"

Austin sighed then he shows John his teeth.

"I still have my braces on"

"It won't  matter, I did my research. Now drop to your knees"

Feeling excited, Austin slides down to his knees, watching John stroke himself before lightly slapping him with his member.

"Open up" John says, rubbing the tip on Austin's lips. Austin does as told and relaxes his throat, he closes his eyes as he feels John invade his mouth, feeling the tip pass his uvula to touch the back of his throat.

John moans softly, giving Austin pats of encouragement on the cheek.

"Look at me baby. Yeah that's it" he breathes out as he goes a little faster.

Austin's right hand massages the man's sack while his left tends to his own member, he moans as he tastes John's pre cum for the first time, looking up at him as he began to bob his head, hungrily seeking that minty taste.

John lets him take control, leaning back on the wall, bottom lip between his teeth.

"Mmmh that's it baby, go faster...nghh"

Austin gags for a bit but it didn't stop him, he goes faster and moans as he came in his pants, followed by a mouthful of minty cum flood his mouth as John came, grabbing him by the hair.

John watches as his essence flows down Austin's chin, the thick liquid staining the man's pants. He pulls away and Austin gasped for air before swallowing the little bit in his mouth.
"That wasn't so bad now was it?" John asks as he helped Austin up.

"It wasn' I really have to shower"

•°• ✾ •°•

"This is your pilot speaking, we're about to prepare for landing. I advice you to buckle up your seat belts."

Jack helps Dave with his belt, he smirks in pride when he sees Dave's bite covered neck.

"I can't believe I'm meeting your mother tomorrow! I'm so excited!" Dave says as he held Jack's hand.

"Same here. She'll love you. Cheap and all"

Dave rolled his eyes and playfully pushed him.
"Whatever. Which hotel did you book us at?"

"The best in town. Phassakorn hotels"

"Sounds fancy"

The plane lands and the couple make their way out. Dave takes a deep breath and sighs in content.

"So this is Thailand" he says and Jack laughs at him.

"Come on, the car is waiting"

They head inside, collect their bags and make their way outside the airport. They find a driver waiting by a maybach and Dave whistles.

"You went all way out babe"

Jack holds his hand and they walk towards the car.

"Only the best for you"

They get in the car and Dave watches out the window as they pass by many beautiful buildings. Jack smiles at him, he was happy to be back but on the other side he was a little nervous.

"I feel like La Vie En Rose should be playing" Dave says and Jack chuckles.

"You're right. We'll listen to it when we arrive to our suite"

Before they knew it, they arrive at the hotel. Dave gasped in amazement. This could be the perfect venue for their wedding!

"Let's go" Jack says as he got out. Dave follows behind and helps him with the bags. They make their way inside and they're welcomed by the owner of the hotel, Phichit Phassakorn.

Jack whispers to Dave.

"Follow my lead"

Jack and Phichit exchange a waii and Dave follows suit.

"Swasdee khrup, Welcome to Phassakorn Hotel. I'm the owner of this establishment and we're so pleased to have you here."

"Thanks for having us. I was told you and your husband got married here?" Jack asks and Phichit nods with a smile.

"We did. We hold all types of ceremonies here, if you meet the budget"

Jack chuckles.

"We'll think about it"

Phichit leads them to the elevator where they go to the top floor. Dave was feeling excited. He couldn't wait to see the room!

"This is your key card and again, welcome to Phassakorn Hotel"

"Thank you" Jack says. once Phichit left, Jack opens the door and they head inside.

The room was like something you see in a magazine, there was a dining table, a living room, the bedroom had a king sized bed with flowers around it.

"This is beautiful" Dave exclaimed. Jack smiles and hugs him from behind.

"Do you want to test out the springs on the bed?" He teases and Dave blushes then turns to him.

"The dining table looked more fun"

Jack leans forward for a kiss and their eyes close when their lips met. Dave moans softly as Jack's hand went up his back.

"We need to shower first. We smell like sex" Jack says once he pulled away from the kiss. Dave gives him a peck and licks the corner of Jack's lips.

"The best kind of smell"


A/N shoutout to care2stay your comments really motivate me 🤗💕

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