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"Thanks for coming all the way didn't have to"

John smiles and shrugs.

"Don't worry about it. When you get back....let's go out for dinner"

"On a date?" Austin asks, just to make sure.

"Yeah...I hope I'm not coming off as too forward"

"Not at all. I look forward to the date"

John smiles and picks up his shopping bag. That was the closest thing he had to luggage.

"I'll get going. Stay strong okay"

Austin nodded and watched him walk towards the cab. Once the car drove away, he sighs.

"He seems sweet" Claire says behind him. Austin shrugged.

"I don't know, I have a little doubt with him"

"What could that be?"

"He likes my boss's fiancé and I think the two men don't like each other"

"That's their problem. Just go on a date with John and you'll see from there. I want you to be happy, live life"

Austin smiled at his mother and held her hands.

"I'm sorry for being a brat these past few days. You didn't deserve that"

"It's okay honey. We said Goodbye to your father and now he's resting. What's left is for us to move on."

"You're right. How about we go shopping before we leave."

"As long as you're paying, I'm ready to go"

•°• ✾ •°•

"What do you mean you're going on a trip? You just came back!"

"Honey your father feels claustrophobic in the house. He likes the sea"

"Dad feels claustrophobic in his mansion? I....okay"

"We'll be in touch and once you and your fiancé decide on a date for the wedding, we'll be there"

Dave was lost for words. The fact that his parents didn't even bother to stay was just mind boggling.

"Okay mom, have fun I guess"

"Thanks honey, ta-ta"

He hangs up and rolls his eyes. Jack, who was across the room chuckled.

"Ta-ta?" He jokes and Dave groaned.

"I swear you'd think she's British. Oh well. Where are we going for our date?"

Jack shook his head.

"It's a surprise. What I can say is wear formal clothes. Bring out the fanciest clothing you have and wear that"

"Ouuu. Will you help me take if off later?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows and Jack shot him a wink.


Dave smirked. Feeling mischievous all of a sudden.


Jack turned his focus to his laptop, smiling as the confirmation of his reservation popped up on the screen.

"It'll be fun"

•°• ✾ •°•

"I'm thinking of taking my braces out"

"Oh? You sure? You don't like retainers though"

Austin sighed.

"Mom my teeth are about to break from these wires. It's time"

John Jack DaveWhere stories live. Discover now