Chapter 28

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The next day the boys were busy getting ready to go to lucas's office.

"guys.. What about our leave form..? Did you handed it to our homeroom teacher..?" asher asked as he tied his shoelace.

"nope.." henry said nonchalantly.

"what the.." asher was about to curse him but henry interrupted him..

"you know.. Our teacher won't let us take leave.. so let's just stand before him and let him nag all he want tomorrow like we always do.."

he shrugged. Asher sighed as he got up and saw everyone was ready to go.

"hey where is Aaron..?" he asked looking around can't able to find a certain raven head.

" I think he went out saying he has something to do.." Liam said scratching his nape.

"but it's getting late.." Ben said and a notification popped up from thier group chat and it was from Aaron. It's written

"you guys go first..".

" then shall we get going..?" henry asked and they left thier room.

While they are on thier way asher was worried about Aaron and called him several times but he didn't attended the call..

'God.. what the hell is going on..?' he thought and sighed.. They reached the building and entered using the pass lucas gave them yesterday.

When they were about to turn left where lucas's cabin was after asking for directions from receptionist . They turned hearing a sweet voice.

"hii..Oppas.." she shouted waving to them. They waved back and walked towards her.

"oh..are You guys are the one she is talking about ..?" cabel asked as he was following her behind.

They bowed and greeted him.

"yeah they are.." she said cutely smiling at them. They felt happy just by looking at her face

"come on guys.. this way.."

cabel said and they followed him. Cabel carried athiea in his arm and she turned back and looked at the boys her face went down when she can't find Aaron. Asher noticed that.

" Aaron will join us soon" he said smiling she smiled at him after hearing that.

They went inside a big room and cabel told then to wait. They Sat on the sofa and looked around in awe.

"hey guys look. There is a recording room there.." Liam shower them

"yeah.. It looks so cool.." Ben said looking at it in awe..

" you want to give it to them..?" they heared cable's voice and turned to see atheia came back with juice cans for everyone.

"oppa here.."

she handed them one by one to everyone and they thanked her smiling. The boys gave her chocolate in return and she beamed in happiness.. She realised cabel was sitting in front of the boys staring at her and turned towards him..

" caby samchon.. Pease.. Don't tell daddy I have chocy Pease.." she pleaded with puppy eyes.

"OK.. OK.. I won't now Stop being extra cute .."

cabel said pinching her chubby cheeks.

"hehe.. I love you.. Samchon .." she said showing a finger heart. Cabel and boys had a cute attack.

"she is so cute.." Liam said with heart eyes.

"right..? Everyone loves our athiea..." cabel proudly smiled..

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