Chapter 2

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He was wearing black tshirt and blue ripped jeans paired with white sneakers it looks good on him

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He was wearing black tshirt and blue ripped jeans paired with white sneakers it looks good on him... Well.. I think he will look good on anything he wore with that face.

"come inside" I told him as I opened  the door wide. Blackey went back to sleeping. I always wonder  How  can he sleeps all the time is he a dog or cat?. He stepped inside and looked around.


I entered her living room it was clean and cozy it was not all pink like how I thought a girl's  room will look like I once visited cable's girlfriend's house and it was  pink everywhere

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I entered her living room it was clean and cozy it was not all pink like how I thought a girl's  room will look like I once visited cable's girlfriend's house and it was  pink everywhere .this looks  nice. She told me to  sit and she Sat opposite to me in the sofa after I refused her offer of  refreshments.

She looked at me straight in the eyes and waited for me to talk first it was  really surprising for me that  I didn't feel uncomfortable at all, I somehow feel peaceful looking at her face, I usually don't like it when other girls stare  at me blushing cause it was uncomfortable but she was not staring at me like them and I feel relaxed around her.. It's strange..


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Well... she look  so slim and her dress is.. Wow she is super sexy.. No I wonder I f*... What the hell am I thinking..?!!  I feel like a  pervert .. Snap out of it lucas.. When I was in my train of thoughts.. She talked to me first.

'It was already five  minutes, he didn't talked a single word and just look at me now and then and looking down .. is he also embarrassed   like how I  was before..? or did he feel uncomfortable sitting alone with me..? Let's try talking to  him.. It's boring just sitting like this.'

Summer hope (lucathy Fanfiction) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora