Chapter 17

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He lied beside her and watched her sleeping.. His hands caressed her cheek fluffed from all the crying.. It was soft and pink.. He leaned further and kissed her forehead..  He slowly fell asleep with his hands holding hers..

Lucas went to the office next day and talked with felix...

"how is athy..?  Lily told me Everything..I really want to see her but  she will scold me if I do..  I always wish my daughter would rely on others more when she is sad.. Haah.. But that girl.. Don't be mad at her for not telling you lucas.. She is always like this ..."

Felix said in a worried tone and sighed .. Lucas give him a small smile.. 'It was amusing how felix' s personality change completely when it comes to his wife and daughter.. He is always  calm and collected at work  but when it comes to his family he will get worried in every single thing.. ' he thought and

' lucas you should take good care of our daughter.. '

athy's words suddenly came to his mind and he looked down..'  will I also become like felix after she  born..?' he thought.

"lucas..?" felix called him and he  come to his senses


"you heard me..?"

"yes I did and if  you are That worried about her  just come home and see her yourself .. It's not like you always listen to sia.. And   the reason I am here is.. I am Gonna take a long leave .. I want to stay beside.." he said..felix was surprised for a moment and then he let out a bright smile..

" really...? That's good.. Do what you want.. There is nothing my son- in- law  is not allowed to do in this  office.. "

felix said as he walked towards him

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felix said as he walked towards him.. Lucas looked at him stupified  'did he just call me..?' while he was in daze..

"let's go.. I want to see my daughter.." felix said as he placed  his hand on lucas's shoulder dragging him home along with him..

They both reached home to saw lily already there.. She was the one opened  the door.

"what are you two doing here at this time..?" she asked

"well.. I came to see my daughter.. This guy.. He took a break from his work to stay with his wife.."

felix said proudly pointing at lucas.. ' is he suddenly acting weird and  calling me son- in - law because I  told him I am Taking a break..?  When he act like this.. I am  suddenly getting  reminded that  he is my father- in- law.. Since he is being my boss   for a  long  time  I still look at him as my boss.. '

lucas thought as he entered the house behind felix.. He saw athy lily  and  felix bickering one moment  and then hugging and giggling the next moment..

 He saw athy lily  and  felix bickering one moment  and then hugging and giggling the next moment

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