Chapter 18

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Athy slept after eating and she finally got up in the evening.. She Sat up in her bed and looked beside to see lucas sleeping like a child.. she smiled and caressed his head.. She slowly got up and walked out to see helena helping cabel Getting ready..

"ohh.. you are awake.. How are you feeling now..?"

helly asked rushing towards her and checked her temperature.

"I am all better now.. Don't worry.. Is it already time for them to leave..? I must have been over slept again, But why lucas is still sleeping..?" athy asked confused

'if I tell her he is sleeping because he stayed up Whole Night looking after her she will feel bad right..?' helly thought

" yeah go and wake him up or else they will miss the flight.. " helly said and athy went back to the room..

" lucas.. Wake up.." she nudged him and he slowly opened his eyes..

"hmm..?" he blinked few seconds and Sat up he stared at her for a while , his hands cupped her cheeks he leaned for ward and their foreheads touched..

"it's a relief.. your fever is completely gone"

he mumbled and grinned.. She smiled at him and parted away..

"yeah it is.. so stop worrying about me and get ready"

she said and he realised he slept for too long he jerked off from bed and rushed to bathroom.she giggled looking at him and then they finally got ready and was about to go.. Lucas hugged her gently from the back with his hands caressing her stomach and dropped his head in her shoulder..

"haah.. I really don't want to go.." he whined and he felt the baby kicking inside her womb.. Athy chuckled

" look.. Your daughter is telling you to go.. Have safe trip lucas."

athy said and gave a peck in his cheek .. He smiled at her and waved bye..

" yeah.. I will get going then.. Bye sia.. Bye my daughter.. "

he said and went out she stood thier looking at thier car fading from her sight..

" athy let's go inside its cold here.. "helly said as she took athy inside..

The sound of the door lock opening caught her attention, she turned behind, her green eyes saw her personal assistant rushing towards her.

" miss it's all settled now let's get going or else we will be late .. " she said and bowed down.. The girl sitting in front of her smirked and stood up, she checked her appearance in the mirror and adjusted her brown hair..

"then let's get going.. How long has it been..? since I saw you.. Oppa.." she mumbled and smirked as she get inside the car..

She looked outside of the window at the tall buildings and sighed..

'if only I succeeded that day we would have been together today.. That incompatible idiots they messed the plan by leading him to the wrong room.. Tsk..'

She clicked her tongue and sighed..her driver saw that in mirror and

"madam are you okay..?" he asked her with a fearful face

"just mind your business" she shouted at him and looked out again

' hmm.. If I have to tell how I am right now.. I am super pissed... I am jennete.. Jennete de Alger obelia.. I am the sole heir for obelian corporations.. My dad and mom died in an accident.. They always raised and treated me like a princess..yeah I was born princess.. Even after they died.. I was still raised like that by my uncle.. But the only difference is he doesn't love me..

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