Chapter 22

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'I am Not sure if  this plan will  work  out even she herself don't know, still.. I am  Doing as she says.. I am not bothered by this.. I am more concerned about her.. Isn't this a super bad idea for her to do..?  I hope she will be alright.. I shouldn't have listened to her and somehow made her agreed to cancel this plan but what's happened  is  the opposite... Haah.. ' lucas sighed as she drove the car

An hour ago.....

"what do you mean take back...?"

" if it's jennete I can guess where she would have placed that file... I am Not sure if it will  work but we can atleast give it a  try right..? "

"so what you are saying is you can guess the place the file was and we can go steal it..?" lucas asked surprised

"hey... What do you mean steal.. We are just taking back what ours I am not sure   how she is right now, since it's been so long but if she didn't changed much we can get the file... I am sure she places it inside house should we try it out..?" she asked with a exciting eyes

" no " lucas gave a instant reply

" aww.. Come on lucas.. Let's try.. Hm... Please.. What if  I am right..? We can easily Solve this don't you think..?  Please say yes.. Please... " athy asked with  puppy eyes

" I am not saying no for your idea

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" I am not saying no for your idea.. we can try if it was any other place but you are talking about the place you grew up did you forget? "

"  of course I remember.. How can I forget.. But you are there  with me right..? then I will Be okay.. trust me.. I really want to Help You lucas.. Please "

She pleaded with puppy eyes and lucas can't able resist it anymore than that  and he soon give in.

" f.. Fine.. But if you feel uncomfortable we are getting out of that place right away "

" fine fine.. Let's go "

Back to present..

'haah.. I should get immune to that puppy eyes as soon as possible..' he thought and turned to see athy was deep in thoughts '

Is she okay..? '

" sia... What are you thinking about? "

" hmm.. No matter how much I think. About it.. It wasn't right" she mumbled.

"huh.. What was..?"

"jennete.. Even if she studied in abroad I can bet she can't able to Sketch all this plan...even if you want  to be evil that also need  some brain  you know being evil means they have to be brilliant and I am Sure she wasn't that smart to do all this.. I am Sure someone is helping her out.. I think the one you say.. A spy in your company.. I feel like it's her accomplice not spy.. Am I overthinking..? "

"  may be they are.. Is she that dumb..?  Yeah..  I also first thought  she was but I was quite surprised when she started annoying me.. I thought she had separate brain for doing evil things " lucas replied.

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