Chapter 21

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Ijekiel walked to his room and Sat on the sofa while he called jennete..

"hello.. Kiel you are back already..?"

" first answer me jenny.. What the hell Happened  to your plan and what lucas is doing..?" kiel lashed out interrupting her.
There was silence no reply from the other side..

"hey I am talking to you.. are you there?"

"it's all got wasted and he is married now even had a child.. Are you happy now that  you heard your answer?"  he heard jennete voice which sounded like She talked  while gritting her teeth

"what.. Married..? even child..? Hahaha so you got wasted I see.."

"kiel.. If you are in front of me now I would have  definitely killed you"

"OK ok my bad.. What  do you expect me to  do then..?  Console you..? Or congratulate him..? What about me.. Did you forget what we agreed on..? Our plan is I cooperate with you so that you can have lucas I can screw his career but it  looks like he is living damn happy right now".

" haah.. What did I expect from you..  selfish jerk.. Don't worry.. I may failed in my plan but don't you know me..? Now I am determined  to screw his life just like you.. I already started my work.." jennete shrugged in the other side

"huh.. What do you mean..?" kiel asked confused at the same time excited

" don't you know..? you two are in the same company though ..?   Whatever... I.. stole the copyrights for lucas 's new album so he is now in a big mess..hahaha"

"what..?.. really...?"

"if  you don't believe me come and see me tonight I will Show you"  jennete sneered in the other side..

"I will come" kiel said and ended the call.. He lied down on the sofa and let out a big sigh..

"haah I am excited.." he mumbled and closed his eyes.

'when I was young.. i was determined to become a singer and everyone around me admired me saying I look cute and gentle my voice is sweet and my father did whatever I want but his condition for that was.. I have to be popular when I grew up.. I was already a fame guy from my birth..I thought no one can beat me  until he appeared in my life ...lucas.

Lucas and I went to same high school  to be exact I was the one transferred to his school.. Like I Expected I got famous there too, my high school life was like I predicted until I started to notice him.. He was always silent and hang out with his only friend till now.. Cabel.. True friends they are.. I was curious  about him since he is so handsome and most girl swoon over him but he is so cold  to approach..

I Hated it when girls compared me to him in thier silly fantasies but I always convince myself saying he was just a nobody only have a good face but when I went to clg .. He was there too.. I was surprised why he is in music school then.. The first time geared  him singing.. I got so surprised I wanted to screw him right over there for real.... how dare he... become a competition for me..? That was my first thought  hearing him sing. I don't know if he is messing with me or not but he joined the same company as me.. I got even more pissed when the heir of obelia proposed to him.. That lucky bastard gonna get  everything in life easily like that..?  I thought, but to my surprise he rejected her.. He is really interesting sometimes.. I joined hands with her to Take him down and sketched out some plans.. I used her power and wealth and screwed him.. It was really entertaining watching him crumble but I had to focus on my career too, so I grabbed the chance he missed and  went on world tour worked  hard  but when I returned back. I thought he would have  even left the company by now but.. He got married huh..?  Even had a  baby..?  Did jennete's plan go south.. So he had to marry the girl he slept with..? Hahaha.. I thought if he marry jennete he have to take over the company so he won't sing anymore but looks like i have to push him  into a deep pit  along with his new family..? Heh.. ' he thought and smirked

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