Chapter 10

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Lucas slowly opened his eyes as sunrays pierced the window and hit his face... He blinked few times adjusting his eyesight  to the brightness of the room . He saw athy sleeping beside him and smiled. Her blonde waves glittered in sunlight like gold, even her eyelids are shining her nose was sharp and she had small plump lips.. She has face that is  So perfect in every angle ..

'wow.. What a beautiful sight to see first thing in the morning... I can't believe I am gonna see this beautiful sight everyday.. Is she even human..? '

He thought and caressed her cheek  gently. She turned towards him sleeping. He got up from the bed  and  finely tugged her inside the bed sheet .. He gave a kiss in her forehead and went outside the room.. As soon as he went out blackey ran towards him and ran round around his legs he crouched and patted it's head.. He played sometimes with blackey  and left the house.

Athy got up and stretched her hands.. She turned and saw lucas was not there.

'what time is it..? Oh God I slept until noon again.. '

She got up from her bed fresh up and came outside and saw blackey already sleeping.. She searched all over her house but he was nowhere to be seen.

"so he left after feeding him.. He should have woke me up or atleast left a note  .. See.. He didn't even text or call me.." she mumbled and Sat in the sofa.. She called him..


"hii lucas.. When did you leave..?"

" I think around seven in the morning .. Did you wake up just now..?"

"yeah.. You should  have atleast left a note or  sent a text.. Why did you leave without telling me ..? Don't you know I will search for you..? " she whined to him pouting. 

" .. I don't know".

'huh.. He really don't know huh.. This dumb guy..' she thought and sighed.

"where are you now?" she asked

"out for some work.."

"so you are busy... I see.. then I will call you  later bye" she said and ended the call.

He stood there looking at  his phone dumbfounded.

'huh...? All she did was nagging and she cut the call..?' he thought  confused then cabel called for him and he walked towards him.

Helly came to visit athy and dragged her out to complete rest of their shopping ..she can't contact lucas after that since both of them were so busy and like that  a day  before wedding came. Lily prepared for thier wedding in a church  in an island  it was where she and felix got married.. so she wanted athy to get married in the same church. The audience of the marriage is lily, felix, helena and cabel only.

Athy and helena packed  their  necessities to head for the island and  lily came to pick them... when they was about to exit.. blackey whined and  didn't let athy leave ..

"blackey  dear.. Did you want to come with me..?" athy asked hugging and patting blackey.

"I planned on dropping him in dog centre until we came back .. what if he gets  uncomfortable and kept barking.. It's always such a hassle taking him on the  plane.." lily said sighing.

"it's only on  plane lily he love  riding in car" athy said patting him.

"are you  gonna drive  him  in car all the way to the island..?  "

"I will convince him and made him take the plane... Please lily."

"haah.. You always defend for him.. Aren't you..? do whatever you want.. But if he didn't obey us.. I am gonna give him to anna"

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