Chapter 60 - Proposals

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I smashed the rest of the window, panicking. Before I could think properly, I was running at Alex, my breath caught in my lungs. I don't know if I was on time, I don't know if I saved him, I don't know if he's okay and I need to know because I can't imagine my life without him and because I can't live without him and because he is the best thing that has ever happened to me and because I was going to propose to him and I can't-

And I'm in his arms, patting his chest and his abs and his shoulders and everywhere I can reach to find a single scratch because I swear to god if she hurt him I'm going to bring her back to life and kill her in the slowest way possible because he means so fucking much to me and I can't think without him.

"Hey, hey, hey, princess. I'm alright, I promise." He was cupping my face, showering me with thankful kisses and we were standing in a pile of blood. It was all over my pretty shoes and the bottom of my beautiful dress. But I didn't care as I grabbed his face, examining him. One of his arms was around my back to help me up, and in that hand was the knife but I knew he wasn't going to hurt me.

"Are you sure you're not hurt, are you absolutely fucking positive because I swear-" He held my throat, capturing my lips with his. His lips felt hot against mine, and I gasped as his tongue tangled with mine, claiming me. His fingers curved around my throat, and he made a low guttural sound in the base of his throat. He was turned on right now.

"I just killed your mom and you're horny for me?" I breathed into his mouth, cupping the back of his neck. His fingers around my throat didn't move as he glanced behind me at the body on the floor.

"You are really fucking hot." He muttered, spreading kisses over my face again. "So hot when you are worried about me. So fucking hot when you shot someone to protect me. So hot."

"Oh, well. I take it back now." I teased him, still trying to calm my racing heart. Relief was shooting through me like a bullet, making my knees weak. I removed my arms from his neck, bracing them against his chest.

"Kinda hard to take it back now." He chuckled against my neck, turning my head and aiming my eyes for the floor. His mother lay dead in a pool of her own blood, my bullet hitting its mark perfectly. "Thank you." He said, sadness and anger coloring his voice. He dropped the knife on the floor, kicking it into the lake of blood. I looked down at my dress, seeing the bottom of it smeared in crimson.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, quietly. "I've gotten your whole family killed."

"No. They fucking deserved it. I have some men on the way to take care of the mess." He lifted my chin up, looking at my eyes to read me. I smiled at him, wrapping my arms around his neck again. "Let's get you changed." Before I could say anything, Alex picked me up. "Kick off the shoes." I did, nuzzling my face into his chest.

He carried me away from his pathetic mother, neither of us particularly caring that killing her would probably cause another war.

"Where's you're dress for the after-ceremony thing?" He asked, gently setting me down on one of the benches in his changing room. I nonchalantly told him where it was, looking around. The changing room was no different than the one I had used.

Besides a tiny red box that sat on the vanity.

It was so small I doubt anyone else would have noticed, but I had a ring in my pocket that was bellowing to come out, and the little box on the counter nearly made me laugh.


I looked at the door, hoping it took Alex a while to find the dress. I got up, walked towards the vanity, and grabbed the little box. I felt guilty looking through his things, but I had to know.

Loving a Dangerous Life (editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang